Francis and being all good (with lots of stuff about SPCA)

Gate Pa – Animal Blessing Sunday 2019
What I want to say:
today we celebrate two things
first is crazy saint of Assisi – Francis; and how when he embraced lady Poverty allowed him to see the goodness of God in all things and all people and all creation.
the amazing work of SPCA -> today give freely to support this work
we wonder what this mght say to the climate crisis we face

What I want to happen:
people to see the goodness of people and creation
engage in climate change by making room
to support generously the work of SPCA

The Sermon

      1.     Introduction:

Today is a celebration
Firstly we celebrate the crazy little saint of Assisi, who turned the church and the  world of his time on its head
Francis of Assisi
who through ½ million professed followers today in Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and other churches around the world,
continue to live among the poor and dispossessed in some of poorest countries
and through the work of Franciscan International at the UN ensure the voices of poorest and dispossessed is heard at highest places
John Quigley – past executive director of FI and Franciscan writer – offers this
“For the past eight hundred years other men and women, inspired by the simple genius and freshness of Francis and Clare, have been developing and popularizing the original Franciscan revelation. This continual updating has had a profound humanizing effect within Western Christianity, Western civilization,  and other cultures. It is not easy to put into a capsule the spirit and gifts of Franciscan thinking. Its hallmarks are simplicity, reverence, fraternity, ecumenism, ecology, interdependence, and dialogue. Its motto and salutation is “Peace and All Good!”
He goes on to say
[Francis] knew that we share this earth, our loves and work with all of God’s creatures, our brothers and sisters. Unlike the monastic life, which strove to domesticate nature and to bring it under control, Francis expected to live lightly on the earth, a burden neither to the earth nor to those who fed and clothed him.

       2.     Climate Change

Year ago sat in meeting with the Revd Canon Dr Jeff Golliher, Adviser for the Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Communities at the Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations;
talked through then very recently published emergency report from the IPCC
halve our greenhouse emission by 2030
go back to preindustrial revolution levels by 2050
face unthinkable consequences
-         raising sea level
-         more frequent and much more damaging storms
-         floods
-         droughts
-         fires
-         parts world uninhabitable
o   100 million if not billions forced move
-         unravelling of web life on which all life depends
if able achieve this
-         climate change still be upon
-         all doing is limiting negative effects
Unlike St. Francis
-         we have not lived lightly on the earth,
-         have been a burden to the earth and to those who feed and clothe us
-         poorest and all of God’s creatures, our brothers and sisters  have been and are paying a heavy price
-         will pay an even heavier price

       3.     Francis and Penance

In “The Art of Letting Go” Richard Rohr suggests Francis live a life of penance
We often think of penance as some kind of action or punishment we inflict on ourselves as an outward expression of our repentance for wrongdoing
-         understood penance as “making room for God”
But making room for God that feels like something very different.
·        Francis made room for the leper – everything changed
·        or in 1219 when he joined the 5th Crusade, and walked across the lines into the Muslim camp seeking an audience with the Sultan Malik al-Kamil
o   at a time, like now, when those of the other faith were defined by our differences and were hated
o   Francis made room to see the sultan as his brother –
§  as we saw in that movie - everything changed

       4.     Pets and making room

Our pets help us make room
Muffy and making room –
            every meal time encourages us to make room for her and to share
            sitting often come encourage us to make room for her, lying on top of us
                        pushing our legs off leg rest
helps me make room in my life for exercise and to enjoy this amazing place I live in by encouraging me to take her for walks in parks and on the beach,
and so it goes
that’s what pets do
help us make room
for them
through that – like Francis – for others
            for ourselves
            for creation
What an amazing gift they give us.
why we treasure them and this gift
But I wonder in face of climate crisis
-         as she helps me make room – am I able to make room for all God’s creatures
o   to change my ways so that they do not have to suffer the effects of my life style
-         as she helps me make room to enjoy God’s creation
o   am I able to change my ways so that this creation does not have to suffer the effects of my life style,
o   this world can flourish and thrive

       5.     Luke 17 – Being taught by an outsider

really interesting story about 10 lepers
Living in in between land in Samaria and Galilee
both Jew and Samaritan living together
old division put aside in their common status of “outcast”
beg Jesus to be healed
when he sees them
he tells them to do what the  Mosaic law prescribed
go to the priests to be saved
-         although different priests
restored to their whanau and communities
while they are walking healed
one returns praising God
-         not so much giving thanks
-         but praising God
this one is a Samaritan
Samaritans appear in Luke more than other Gospels
-         story of Samaritan town that will not offer hospitality
o   some disciples want bring down fire and destruction on them
o   which is really good way showing how much Jews and Samaritan really really really hate each other
o   they are enemies of long standing
o   unlike gentiles who they were indifferent to
-         parable of Good Samaritan
o   told in response to question – who is my neighbour
o   Luke uses a Samaritan to teach about Torah
o   Love your neighbour as yourself
o   make room for all wrong people to be your neighbour
§  offer love to those neighbours
§  receive love from
§  or as commentary puts it
·        Love your enemy from Luke 6:27, 35 goes to
·        love your worst enemy
·        of God’s love
-         today is Samaritan, the  enemy
·         make room for your worst enemy to become not your enemy but the one who teaches how one might respond to God’s love

       6.   SPCA

Today we also celebrate work of SPCA Tauranga
give thank for wonderful work they do
-         Maree has talked about
mourn that this work is needed
that people are unwilling to make room for the animals in their care.
encourage you to support this work
change world
make room for another way of being


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