Peace in a Raging Storm

This Sunday is Peace Sunday. CWS suggest that this is a time to explore our responsibility to be peacemakers. Today we especially remember people killed or hurt when the first atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 75 years ago, and our Pacific neighbours whose lives have been affected by nuclear testing. In our hearts we hold a deep sadness for people still facing violence and war. We join with others around the world in longing for the peace that passes understanding, that turns swords into ploughshares, that comes wrapped with justice.

Our Gospel reading today (Matthew 14:22-33) reminds us that in the storms of our current situations, including pandemics and ongoing conflicts, we are not alone. Jesus says “Be encouraged. It is I. Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27, CEB) The invitation from last week (Matthew 14: -13-21) to act out of a deep gut-based compassion remains. And like last week, Jesus continues to promise to be there whether we stay in the boat or step out with Peter onto the raging sea. May God grant us the compassion and wisdom to know where to take the next step.


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