Season of Creation 2 - The Land


Last week we were invited to celebrate the Forests of the earth, and this week the theme is Land. In an article exploring the sacredness and goodness of creation as affirmed in scripture, Barbara Rossing talks about the wonder of astronauts as they saw Earth for the first time from space, and their grief on recent visits as they saw the vastly reduced ice caps, the scars on the land from the felling of forests for short term economic gain, and the brown water fanning out to sea filled with irreplaceable soil. She concludes,

“God’s love for creation in Genesis 1 invites us to explore complex ethical questions, to listen to one another, and to take bold, prophetic action to care for the whole of creation as our neighbor. Creation is endangered by human sin, as astronauts are seeing. “How good!” expresses God’s love for each element of creation. That love that sees the earth in all its brokenness and beauty is the same love the compels us to act today.” [1]

[1] And God Saw That it was Good: Reflections on Theology of Creation by Barbara R. Rossing


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