Reading Mark's Gospel with Liberation Spectacles


One the big themes, maybe THE big theme through scripture is liberation. In Exodus God liberates a slave people from Pharaoh and leads them out through the wilderness to the promised land. They are given laws that remind them what it means to be a people liberated by God, and how they are to live in this God’s presence as a symbol to all people of this liberating God. But they forget, and soon they too own slaves, the poor are oppressed, the foreigner treated with contempt. They returned to the ways of Pharaoh. But the liberating work of God is not finished, and Mark tells us that Jesus has come to announce that now is the time, the liberating kingdom of God has come, that this should blow our minds and we are invited to trust this good news. In Jesus God is liberating people and restoring communities.

So when we read Mark’s gospel we need to look for liberation. Last week we heard about Jesus teaching and then showing liberation by freeing the man caged by an unclean spirit. He is restored to community. Then Jesus goes back to Peter and Andrew’s house, (Mark 1:29-39) find Peter’s mother in law sick with a fever, and failing to observe all social distancing rules, takes her hand and raises her. She is restored to her community. When the sabbath ends other swill come looking for the same healing/liberation/restoration. Sadly, too often, Peter's mother in law is then depicted as the ideal women - in the background serving, leaving the men to the real work of ministry. There is no liberation in that reading.

Jesus heals to restore broken people to broken community. Those healed communities are signs of the liberating reign of God breaking in on their hopelessness. Peter's mother in law shows how to be in community made whole - she serves as Jesus serves. She is a true disciple. All, including men, are called to serve as Jesus serves. Today God invites us into true community - to serve each other and all people - in hope, even when it seems too hard.




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