Joyful John?

Joy is a central theme for all those who seek to follow the way of Jesus. And a central theme in Advent. But what does joy look like after the last 20 months and as we approach this Christmas?
The Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams, in “The Book of Joy - Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” offer these three ways of being joyful; the ability to reframe a situation positively; the ability to experience gratitude; and the voice to be kind or generous. John says amen to that last one. All desperately needed today.
May the asbestos fire burn out of us those things that bind us to our old ways of being that prevent us living out and offering joy to others. May the choices we make this Christmas bring joy in this world. May we become people of deep joy.

Wild John the Baptist
Wild John
stood wild
eyed on the
banks of the
wild Jordan
words wildly
emanating out
greeted with
wild enthusiasm
by those
for hope.
“be humble
be compassionate
live for others”
Not so wild
after all.


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