The Obvious Theme is Call

This week
the obvious theme is call. Two of the readings, Isaiah 6:1-8 and Luke 5:1-11 would suggest that the only real response is an instant and enthusiastic “yes”. Once his potty mouth is washed out with hot coals, Isaiah is seemingly enthusiastic, his hand shooting into the air; “Here I am Lord, send me!” Peter responds to this latest encounter with Jesus and the invitation to follow by leaving his old life without thought and to follow Jesus as he lived out what he had read in Nazareth. I wonder what his wife and family had to say about that? Many of us seem slow and hesitant compared to them. But there is more to both stories, and so many other ways people respond to God’s call throughout scripture. God invites us knowing we might respond in any of the ways already part of the biblical story. And still God invites. When have you known God’s invitation, and how have you responded?

Today is also Waitangi day – a day we commemorate the first signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, with all the hope that was contained within that. As I have said before the Treaty has Anglican fingerprints all over it. Those that worked for it, designed it, invited people to sign it, and many of those who signed it did so hoping it would allow God’s justice and mercy to flourish in this land. Like Peter and the others, they had answered God’s call to join Jesus living God’s life for all.

Today we are invited to reflect on our own call, as individuals and more importantly, as a church community. We are also given an opportunity to wonder what our forebears who were present at Waitangi would say to us this weekend as we commemorate that signing.


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