Palm Sunday Reflections

In a year that has already been tough, and after a Lent shrouded by Covid and in which I invited us to find what is life giving in all that is happening and has happened, we once again walk into Holy Week towards Good Friday. It begins here with Jesus joining the Passover pilgrims riding a colt. No palms in this story. Just disciples going crazy for their man. How do we see these events we commemorate today?

What do we think Jesus thought he was up to with this attention grabbing ride? 

Passover – a rumbling festival pregnant with ancient memories and hopes of release from Empire and freedom from slavery and poverty. This is not the biggest festival, but it is one of the most turbulent. And in Jesus' time sometimes the most violent. Into this expectant mass come two parades trumpeting peace.

From the west Pilate leads his legions astride his war stallion, stomping in through the wealthy part of town, warmly welcomed for the prosperity and peace he represents. A peace built on Pax Romana – the way of violence, fear, submission, and enslavement. The peace of empire.

To the east a small ragtag group surround a rabbi on a donkey riding down the Mount of Olives. His disciples lay their prized cloaks before him, dangerously and defiantly hailing him a king. They sing and dance through the tents of the poor and landless pitched across the Kidron. They are reminded of Zechariah and Isaiah. He is God’s peace – the way of compassion, generosity, hospitality, and justice. The peace of God.

Who is this Jesus riding his colt. A rabble rouser? Defender of the poor? Some kind of deep mystic with penetrating eyes? 

What about the disciples? What are they cheering for? What do they hope for as they surge into that citadel ruled by corrupt high priests and Romans?

How we answer these questions will shape our attitude to the rest of this week. Where we see ourselves in this story with all our hopes and dreams will define our journey to Good Friday and beyond. In all this never lose sight that this is a story about being found by love. God’s love breaking into our lives and this world with all its pain, hurt, anger, hate. As you join in the events of today, be found by love.


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