Journeys of a Minister General part three

Part Three

Bright and early, Tim and I set off for Bangor, and the trains back down to London. Once in London we met up with John Wotherspon from the TSSF Central Fund. I met John about 7 years ago, when he was in NZ with his wife. They came to St Georges for church on Christmas Day. Over the last few years we have been talking regularly and emailing, but it was good to meet up in person. We then found where the Central Fund meeting was to be held. It was a pretty standard meeting, but it was good to be together in the same room. The last time was four years ago. I was supposed to come over for one in 2020, and strangely that did not happen.

Once the meeting was finished Bishop Martyn returned to the other bishops at Lambeth, and the others scampered off to their trains, and I checked in into Premier Inn Euston. And is was time for some more shopping. At least that was the plan. I could not find linen trousers anywhere. So much for that plan. But it was fun getting lost on the underground again,and catching a bus back to Euston.

The next morning my train was not leaving until 1pm so I set off by foot to the New Zealand war memorial on Hyde Park Corner, next to the Wellington Arch. I remembered these young people who fought to defend the Empire, and in the wars created by the outcome of those wars. At the David Lloyd George museum that he said of the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles that ti would lead to war again in 25 years, at 4 times the cost. He was so very right. And again New Zealanders fought to protect UK, while others fought in the Pacific where the real danger for us lay. As war continues today, in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, and Ethiopia among other places, I prayed for a day when we no longer resort to violence.

I trained down to Canterbury for  a meeting of the Bishop Protectors with us three Minister Generals. It was a good opportunity to meet in person with these people who offer our Orders their wisdom and support, who advocate for us in the House of Bishops, and who can help us when things go a little awry. For a number of reasons not all were there, including the wee outbreak of Covid at the conference. But it was good to see bishops like David Rice again, and to meet others

While on campus Sue, Christopher John, and I met with Paulo Ueti to do some more work on the Joint First Order Chapter and Inter-Provincial Third Order Chapter (IPTOC) next year. It was a useful few hours on campus.

And before all that I did toursity stuff and did an hour long boat trip on the Stour river, seeing sites and hearing stories.

Friday I trained back up to London and then to Berhamsted to spend the night with Janet, my aunt. There will not be too many more times with this generation of my family, and we spent a lot of time with her telling stories. 

Saturday, back into London. I tried to find a pub to watch the rugby. Thank God I failed. Fish and chips with mushy peas for dinner with a good warm ale.

And now I journey home, utterly enriched by all that has happened. The next adventure starts in about 11 days.


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