Being Sheep in the Reign of Christ

You can listen to this sermon here

 Gate Pa – Year A  34th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2023


Psalm                          Psalm 100
First Reading:               Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24     
Second Reading:         Ephesians 1:15-23
Gospel:                         Matthew 25: 31-46            

What I want to say:

Exploring the Reign of Christ from Matthew’s perspective using the Sermon on the Mount in particular, and applying that to the parable of the sheep and the goats.
What warnings do we need to heed as we leave Matthew and enter a new year.
How might  we live the reign of Christ?

What I want to happen:

Do we act to earn something, because it is the right thing to do, or because that is just who we are?

The Sermon

     1.    Introduction:

This is a big Sunday
Climax of Year A
Climax of our time with Matthew
Christ the King – Reign of Christ Sunday
Aotearoa Sunday
Stir Up Sunday.
What a way to leave this liturgical year
Next week – Advent
-        Begin our walk to Christmas!
-        Look beyond Christmas to Coming of Christ
-        Fulfilment of reign of God
-        Kingdom of Heaven established here

     2.    Matthew

Which is where we have been for the last few weeks with Matthew anyway
This last block of teaching
Began with disciples being awed by Herod’s temple
Jesus replies

“Do you see all these things? I assure that no stone will be left on another. Everything will be demolished.”

Little later while they sat on Mount of Olives overlooking the Temple they asked, “Tell us, when will these things happen? What will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?”

-        Warning - “Watch out that no one deceives you”

-        Warnings of great suffering

-        Invokes the image from Daniel of Son of Man (Human One) coming in power in clouds

-        Warnings to pay attention using the fig tree
-        Teaching about waiting faithfully
o   Faithful and wicked servants

o   10 bridesmaids

o   So called parable of talents

o   Parable of sheep and goats

Jesus is preparing his disciples for the horror of what is to come

-        Own arrest and crucifixion

-        Midst of that

o   Giving hope

o   Urgent need to carry on mission that Jesus began

Matthew is using this to speak to his community

-        Post fall Jerusalem

o   and the horror and trauma associated with that

o   Destruction of temple and centre of identity

o   Mass slaughter and enslavement that followed

-        Early churches expulsion from Jewish diaspora

-        Persecution from Rome

-        Midst of that

o   Giving hope

o   Warning against complacency

o   Invite faithful waiting

o   Remind them of urgent need to carry on mission that Jesus began

Invited to hear the same too in our situation.

-        Horror and trauma of war in Ukraine, Israel-Palestine

-        Ripples here of antisemitism and islamophobia

-        Coming hurdles of the next 3 years

-        Midst of that

o   Giving hope

o   Urgent need to carry on mission that Jesus began

     3.    Reign of God

That mission and what Jesus was on about is what entire Gospel Matthew is about.
-        That in Jesus, God is bringing in the reign of heaven
Which he describes that reign
-        right at the beginning in Sermon on Mount
Where Jesus calls some people who have been engaging with him
fisherman and others
And after a short while

-        he gathers those invited to follow him

To be his disciple
Takes them up a hill
Overlooking their world

-        All they had known of life

-        Violence always lurking on the edge

-        Poverty defining each day

And gesturing at this world
he invites them
To imagine another world

a world where the most important people are:

the poor in spirit,

those who mourn,

the meek,

those who hunger and thirst for God’s justice,

the pure in heart,

the merciful,

the peacemakers,

those who are persecuted for the sake of God’s justice,

How different would this world be?

This is a world where all flourish
Where the common good is held as paramount
A world where the needs of the poor are placed first
Where ALL are treated with honour and respect
And given what they need to thrive
Relationship between us and creation is restored
For Matthew this is what Reign of Christ looks like

We belong when we long to be numbered among

the poor in spirit,

those who mourn,

the meek,

those who hunger and thirst for God’s justice,

the pure in heart,

the merciful,

the peacemakers,

those who are persecuted for the sake of God’s justice,

 -        Where do you see reign of Christ?

     -        Where do you live the reign of Christ?

     4.    Sheep and Goats

All this is foundation of what these parables we have been listening to at set upon
final teaching Jesus in Matthew
finish today with parable sheep and goats
interesting thing none of those judged knew they had acted or not in this way
at one level they judged on their actions
-        it is really what lies behind those actions that is at stake
In one commentaries I read there was interesting response about justification by works cf justification by faith
-        completely misses the point of this story
they had offered generosity and compassion did not do so
-        to earn anything
-        because they had been told to
®   But simply because that who they were
-        They were good trees living in the abundance of God
-        Producing good fruit
At their core
Sheep were people of compassion and generosity
So they offered compassion in abundance (like parable of the talents last week)
Goats were not
Sheep lived the beatitudes and sermon on Mount
Goats not so much.

     5.    Christ the King – Reign of Christ Sunday

Good thing about this year is that you never have to hear me talk about how much I struggle with “Christ the King”

-        Mostly because too often we have started with own understanding of what “king“ means

-        and imposed that on Jesus

-        confused our cultural beliefs with Christianity

-        turned Jesus into a voice for status quo

o   Christians arguing for slavery,

o   For lynching in US

o   For racism, sexual harassment

o   For white supremacy

o   against gun control

seems to have little to do with the vision held in Beatitudes

vision that invites us to radically rethink how not sure how it fits with today's reading from Ezekiel and Matthew

-        especially with idea in Ezekiel that God will feed the people on justice

-        want to say true authority resides in Christ

-        sometimes that authority is exercised through church

o   leave it at that

See it in the sad story around creation of Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa

-        confused our Britishness with being Christian

-        heartbreakingly sad collation agreement which seeks to redefine the relationship with Nga Iwi o Aotearoa without actually including them in the conversation

o   feels very white supremacist to me

     6.    Conclusion

As we hold Matthew’s Gospel vision
As we hear the invitation to urgently wait
Live faithfully reign God laid out in that gospel


-        How does that vision shape us

-        How do we allow that vision to shape our priorities and our lives

-        On this Reign of Christ Sunday

o   How we engage in the political process to allow that reign to come more fully to fruition in our time?


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