Living in the Resurrection

You can listen to this sermon here.

 Gate Pa – Easter 3 – Year B, 2024
Psalm -                 Psalm 4
First Reading:       Acts 3:12-21
Second Reading:  1 John 3:1-7
Gospel:                 Luke 24:36-48

What I want to say:
Easter is a time to hear stories of the resurrection and how those first disciples responded. We hear them not to be convinced of the truth of the resurrection, but to be opened to our own experiences of the resurrection, and to take time to reflect on how we respond.
This week we hear from Luke, with the disciples offering all kinds of responses. Where are we in this mix?
As the parish faces an uncertain time with my going, how do we respond.
Offer some thoughts around our response in terms of the time and financial support for the parish.
What I want to happen:
People to take time to reflect on how they might respond

The Sermon

1.     Introduction: 

For those who are wondering – it is still Easter.
-         More than one day
-         Or one week
50 Days
All the way to Pentecost
50 days to tell the stories of the Jesus resurrection
-         All different
-         Women play really important role in all of them
-         Appearances to men either
o   Not recorded (Mark)
o   In Jerusalem (Luke and John)
o   In Galilee (Matthew and John)
Gospel writers do not record these to convince people of the truth of the resurrection.
-         Invitation to experience crucified and risen Jesus for themselves
-         As they lived in hard times
o   with all grief despondency that caused
The stories we have been reading over the last weeks present disciples who are
-         filled with fear and trembling,
-         who run,
-         stay silent,
-         doubt,
-         disbelieve,
-         hide,
-         give up,
-         leave town,
-         go home,
-         go fishing,
-         disbelieve even in their joy and wonder,
-         wondering and questioning in the midst of their happiness
-         need proof,
-         are confused,
-         not even recognising Jesus when he is among them.
-         hearts set on fire
So many different responses
Where are we in all this?
In our Easter this year?

2.     Luke 

Last two weeks we have been listening to John’s version
-         Mary at the tomb
-         Disciples and then Thomas
This week we heard Luke’s version
-         Also in Jerusalem
It begins with the two who had given up @@@
-         Their hopes died on that cross
Going home to their old lives
-         Home to Emmaus
Encountered crucified and risen Jesus
-         Asks what is happening
-         Explains the scriptures to them
Recognized him in the breaking of bread
“They said to each other, “Weren’t our hearts on fire when he spoke to us along the road and when he explained the scriptures for us?””
Go back
Knowing as writer for 1 John says @@@
-         made in love,
-         held in love,
-         restored by love.
While they are telling the others of this amazing encounter
Risen crucified Jesus is suddenly in their midst
Offering peace
Commissioning them to be witnesses to God’s life
The resurrection is God’s affirmation of the way of love lived in Jesus’s life and crucifixion.
this small band will be the ones who continue to witness
-          continue to live out
-         the way of love lived in Jesus’s life and crucifixion
-         bringing God’s peace and justice

3.     Our Response

As we read these we too are invited to know that we are made in love,
-         held in love,
-         restored by love.
®   Join those through whom the way of love lived in Jesus’s life and crucifixion will continue to be lived out
®   Bringing God’s peace and justice
Question every Easter asks of us
-         how do we respond?
-         How do we respond as Parish of Gate Pa?

4.     Vacancy 

My leaving will change how we might respond as community
Cause of a lot of uncertainty for you and me
Vestry has met with Archdeacon Nigel
-         leave Faye and Clark to talk more about that
no priest in charge
how that will work is still being worked out
response of this parish to invitation of Easter will more than ever depend on you.

5.     Stewardship 

It has been awhile since we have done any version of a stewardship campaign
-         covid
-         last year I was tired
-         vestry tired.
-         Enough to keep going
Important every now and again to take some time
Reflect on importance of stewardship
-         Begins with God’s gift of life to us
o   In creation
o   Through Christ
-         Invitation to join in God’s ongoing work of creation
o   God’s ongoing work of restoration and renewal
Two aspects
-         Time and talents
-         Financial resources
What happens next will rely on you all
Ongoing life of this parish relies on you all
-         For yourselves
-         more importantly – responding to the resurrection
o    living gospel in this community
o   Gospel of justice, hope and love
Invite you all over next 6 weeks to reflect on you place in this community
How you contribute to ongoing life and mission
What is God’s invitation or call to you at this time?

6.     Money

Second part of any stewardship campaign money
Those at AGM will recall
-         a lot of uncertainty about your ability to have a new vicar.
Last year significant deficit
-         mostly big maintenance
This year continued running at deficit
That is with income from vicarage
Current budget prepared by Paula and Terry has a budgeted decrease in income
Over last couple years
             assessment from diocese gone up by 33%
            insurance doubled
            wage and stipend bill gone up each year
            income has stayed same.
            not sustainable
Invite you to prayerfully reflect on your financial support of the mission of this parish.
-         Brochure offers some further thoughts about all this
-         Including importance of bequests


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