People, people, people

Kia ora

I read this blog the other day. Hirini is Kaihautu for Te Maara, the Rangatahi Ministry School within the Anglican church here in Aotearoa. What struck me was his love of the church. It struck me because I don't share his great love. Most of the time I find the institutional church very frustrating. So to read of his love shook me a little.

As I read on though, you discover it is not the institution he loves. It is the people, and their great love for the mission of God. I was reminded of a speech I heard earlier this year. It was by Bishop Philip Richardson speaking about Bishop George Connor at his translation to be Bishop of Dunedin. He was commenting on Bishop George's pedantic adherence to the rules. His comment was that this came from Georges care for people. By paying attention to the process, people were not hurt as much. The bottom line is that Bishop George cares for people.

Soem times it is easy for me to let my frustration overwhelm me, and for me to stop seeing the great love of the people in the institution. I allow my institutional annoyance to translate on to the people. I have ot be careful not to do that. The people are all important. I need eyes to see them as Hirini does.

As an aside, Hirinis blog and associated website is worth a look at, just to see what creative things Tikanga Maori are up to. It is inspiring really.


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