Palestinans and Brazil

I am at the WCC General Assmebly in Brazil. I am here for a meeting International Anglican Youth Network Steering Committee meeting. (Same thing I was in Israel for last year)
The member from Isreal is not coming, for mysterious reasons. I wonder if it is because of restrictions of travel for Palestinians, not that they have much anyway.

It made me realise that while the West is demanding that Hamas reonounce violence and recongise the state of Israel, Israel has not renoucned violence agianst palestinaians, and in fact has reconifrmed its commitment to commiting acts of violence. Nor ahs it recongised the Palestinian people's right to a state. A real state, not a collection of towns seperated by territory administered by the Israeli Defence Forces, who can then restrict travel between these towns.

Why is it that we in the west are so quick to condemn others violence, and yet so slow to see our own. Why is our media so quiet on this? Why is our church so slient on behalf of our Palestinian brothers and sisters.


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