youth camps - a response

good comments, especially the last one, and well made.

actaully, I thinkwhat Ben and his team did was great.

But these are comments that I have made before on this blog, and I have made in lots of other settings. So my comment are less at the TWAYN event and are more generally based on my ongoing expereince of going to "Anglican Events" and my worry about what they are offered in their parishes, to be honest. I reiterate: " But it pains me to see young people offered such a small idea of what Christianity is all about."

Why do I worry that so many speakers were non Anglicans. Well, because I beleive that we as Anglicans have alot to offer, but we don't. We invite others in instead. Each denomination offers a particular way of reading the bible, of seeing the world, of understanidng what it means to be chuch. None are better than others. We need them all. Which means, please Anglicans, stand up and offer what we have to offer.

In the end, what is often offered young people is such a small slice of what the gospel is about, and is so hard to live out (it is down to you and God) that I worry they are not given the tools to survive. Christianity is a community religion. It is not about me and God, is it about us and God. Why, cos often it is just too damn hard on our own. Which may be why so many zealous young people have dropped right out of any formal church life. It became too hard. (and maybe not, that is another discussion) And yes, lots of young poeple drop ourt of the exciting youth ministries as well.

I don't want young people to be like me, or to think like me. But I want them to be given the tools to grow and develop as God wills them to, and that is important to me. And my question generally about youth ministry is, "are we offering all that we could be?" and my emphatic answer is no!!!


Anonymous said…
what is wrong with 3/5 speakers being non anglican? all forum is about is about being anglican. what happened to youth year? i am a regular 10'oclocker in a small town parish, and the only national event i was invited to was forum, and that wasnt from anyone in the church but from twayn exec! I dont mean to be rude and by no means am i attacking you or your character, but as the anglican youth network facilitator, what do you actually do? also the reason why so many youth drop out of the formal side of the church is because IT IS BORING, AND BEING A CHRISTIAN SHOULDNT BE BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! I also attend many Baptist/Brethren events. These are exciting, and miss out the ugly church history and politics. and not once do they mention denominations. yet they have time to include on how to live out a healthy christian life and make a small but important difference to social justice and social/economical equality. i continue to ask myself, why am i an anglican? because it is really boring, and i am missing important christian role models in the church.


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