Hi From London

I have arrived.
I went to the gym before I left, and hurt my leg. It is still not good, and at times it as hard getting in and out of the seat, but as long as I kept it straightish I was ok.

We are staying very near Hyde Park, so Michael Tamihere and I went for a very slow walk around it for two hours, which was nice. We found Priness Dianna's "fountain" which is really like a circular stream. Very poignant on the 10th anniversary of her death. All in all it was a nice way to spend an afternoon.

We got back to Lancanter House, and our IAYN group was all here. So we have been working away at our agenda, and it all looks good. You can see what we are on about by clicking on the link

Where we are is really a german youth hostel, so there are lots of germans on staff. It is strange being in England with the staff struggling with English.

I need to go read the draft Anglican Covenant as I am leading a discussion on this



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