Sunday and Monday in England:

Sunday I was really tired, and in the end went to lunch with Janet, and then had a go at my sermon while watching rugby on TV. Not a good combination.

Monday was far more energetic.
I went into London, and went to Covent Gardens, which was lots of fun. Lots of shops and market stall, good food, and great buskers. I thin went to the British Museum. I was hoping to see the terracotta soldiers, but that display starts Thursday. Never mind. I wondered around for about 2 ½ hours. Highlights for me were seeing the Assyrian material. I have never seen that kind of stuff before, and it was quite moving. I really enjoyed learning about the history of Christianity in Nubia (?) now part of Sudan, which was Christian until the 1500’s. and some of the history of Islamic world. There are some photos up on the facebook site

Had an excellent dinner out with Rod and Pam. It was great to see them again.

Today chilling with Janet, before heading off to New York.


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