What is really important?

Funny how a small thing like an earthquake can make such a difference. Three weeks ago I would have watched ads about coffee and liked it. Like the latest McCafe ad that states that coffee is what is really important. Now i just think "Really?" Not that important. Being alive is important. Having a family that is alive and well is important.  Having a home is important, Nice coffee is nice, makes life a little more bearable, but is not important, not essential.
So all that makes me wonder, what is really important, apart from what is important.
  • being loved, and knowing you are loved
  • having someone to love
  • having a safe place to sleep at night, and be in during the day
  • having some way to keep occupied and that allows you to feed yourself and those you love.
  • having food and water
  • feeling safe
  • feeling secure
well, there are some ideas.


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