What will mission look like?

What will mission look like?
In the coming weeks there is a very important meeting happening about the future shape of our theological college. Our three Tikanga Youth Commission has been asked to contribute. To help us prepare we are thinking about different questions, contributing ideas, and then skype calling on a Thursday. Last week the question was what will mission look like? This is my answer. Any thoughts?

To be honest I do not know. But I hope:
  • it will be much more natural than it is now.
  • we will do it instinctively rather than have to think about how to do it.
  • we will remember it is God’s mission not ours
  • it will be much less about telling people about God and God’s love, and much more about living God’s love (preach the gospel at all times, use words when necessary)
  • as we offer our best for the least people will see God at work. – are we willing to embrace and kiss the leper?
  • rather than have to go out and try to offer God’s love we will recognise the risen Christ in all and treat them as such
  • as we seek to make Christ known, we will come to know Christ
  • it will be much less about inviting people to come and join us, and running attractive events and services, and much more about going out and joining God in whatever God is up to now.
  • it will be much less about building the church – which is God’s problem and not ours, and much more about living our God’s grace.
  • it will be something that all who are part of our church will do, as a matter  of course.
  • it is something that young people will take a lead in
  • it will come out of our worshiping and communal life.
  • It will be undergirded by our Anglican tradition which seeks to give life to our mission
  • we will be a missional community (who we are will be missional by the values which shape how we relate to each other and the community we live in)
  • it will involve people of all ages working together, rather than separately
  • will be based on being authentic, rather than relevant.
  • it will start with where people are and where God is in that, rather than our need to survive as a church
  • it will be much more about letting go, recognising our own poverty, and not seeing ourselves as the saviours or experts. Can we embrace lady poverty?
  • we will follow the naked crucified and risen Christ, rather than our own wisdom.


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