Living on the Crossroads

 Gate Pa –25th  Sunday in Ordinary Time
23rd September 2012
Hebrew Scripture:     Prov 31: 10 - 31            
Psalm:                         1         
Epistle:                        James 3: 13- 4: 3, 7-8a
Gospel:                        Mark 9:30-37

What I want to say:

overriding question is still
who is Jesus
what does it mean to be a loyal and fruitful follower of Jesus
questions disciples grappling with
questions Marks readers grappling with
are they our questions too?
 disciples are at a crossroad – just as Marks readers were (maybe?)
disciples on road of messiahood – road hope lead reign of God, power, domination

  • look forward to taking their place in this

Jesus is on road of Son of Man – road to Jerusalem, suffering, humiliation, rejection, death, and rising

  • way of humility

discussion spills into this week’s reading – Jesus picks up a child and says, whoever holds a child holds him, and so holds God
          Ø  what words described a child
          Ø  apply these to God
          Ø  ask what picture or words about God is revealed here?
          Ø  how do you respond to this (vulnerable) God
          Ø  what does it mean to be a loyal and fruitful follower of this God?

What I want to happen:

          Ø  want people to reassess their image of both Christ and God, and to ask, what does it mean to be a loyal and fruitful follower of this God?

The Sermon

   1.      Introduction:

- story of question at synod about being ashamed
on reflection not sure got it right
good company
whole section about disciples not quite getting it right
two stories blind man
o   blind man at Bethsaida takes two times (8.22)
o   blind bartemaeus after 3rd prediction upcoming death -> triumphal entry into  Jerusalem (10.46)
clearly - overriding question is still
       Ø  who is Jesus?
       Ø  what does it mean to be a loyal and fruitful follower of this Jesus
ð  questions disciples grappling with
ð  questions Marks readers grappling with
ð  are they our questions too?

   2.      Last week

Last week story Peter’s confession faith
seem to get it right, and then wrong
Is that what is really going on?
one commentators suggests that in Mark, Peter just gets it wrong, and he and disciples keep on getting it wrong
commentator suggests that Jesus and disciples are at a crossroad –
in fact different roads all together
just as Marks readers were (maybe?)
suggests –
       Ø  Jesus is on road of Son of Man
o   led Jesus to sit with all kinds of people
§  people on the edge
§  gentiles
o   road to Jerusalem,
§  road of suffering, humiliation,
§  rejection, death, and rising
è way of humility
       Ø  disciples on road of messiahood
ð  coloured by Imperial Rome and traditional theology
·         road all powerful God
·         road hope re-established reign of God,
·         power, domination
·         restores right order of who is in  and who is not.
è look forward to taking their place in this new kingdom
è some people in Marks community who are still look forward to taking their place in this new kingdom
è lot of Christians today
è these are ones ashamed Jesus and gospel
o   try to change it as Peter did
ð  Jesus rebukes Peter for demanding Jesus go down this road and says – get behind me Satan
o   it makes no sense to those looking for a messiah
§  Christians believe God rewards us faith with wealth, power, health, best seats – prosperity gospel, it is a heresy
§  pray gates heaven torn open, power God unleashed so that Gods reign will be restored.
§  look forward to day when righteous, those who are in, taken from this earth and receive their just reward.

   3.      The debate goes on

       Ø  discussion spills on through stories between last week and this
       Ø  certainly spills into this week’s reading
disciples having argument about who is the greatest?
è is this an argument that belongs to those on road of Son of Man
è why not?
o   imperial language
o   language messianic expectations
o   language of who is in and who is out
       Ø  Greek used says Jesus interrogates them about it
cos they know deep down this really isn’t what Jesus is on about
Jesus reacts to that by saying some crazy stuff about being a servant
– Jesus picks up a child and says, whoever welcomes/embraces  a child welcomes/embraces  me, and whoever welcomes/embraces  me welcomes/embraces  God
not we should be like the child (which is how other gospels phrase this)
God is like this child
he is really trying to help them get the difference between the two roads they are walking
he is really trying to help us get the difference between the two roads we are walking
è Questions
ð  what words described a child
ð  apply these to God
ð  ask what picture or words about God is revealed here?
ð  how do you respond to this (vulnerable) God
ð  what does it mean to be a loyal and fruitful follower of this God?


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