Living Perfectly

Gate Pa – Epiphany 7 - 21 February 2014
Hebrew Scripture:       Lev 19:1-2, 9-18                     
Psalm:                         119: 33-40                                          
Epistle:                                    1 Cor 3:10-11, 16-23  
Gospel:                        Matt 5:38-48              

What I want to say:
I want to explore what “God’s perfection” might mean, suggesting it is more about God’s compassion for all creation, mercy, justice and love. I then want to apply that to today’s readings and suggest that Jesus offers his followers a way of living perfectly (i.e. with Compassion, mercy, love justice and love) in a way that challenges the excepted norms.

What I want to happen:
I want people to rethink their assumptions around righteousness, holiness and perfection, and to begin to think about living perfectly in terms of how we treat other people and creation

The Sermon

       1.      Introduction:

over last few weeks listening to Sermon On Mount
seems to me that some key themes in this are –
            God’s perfection (in today’s reading)
            and righteousness
how we understand these terms will shape how we understand what Jesus is saying here
so what do you understand by these terms?

*      what is really important in all this is how we understand God as righteous, perfect and holy
shapes what righteousness, holiness, perfection means for us
as Jesus just said
looked up on internet and number definitions
J  Righteousness is the state of moral perfection required by God to enter heaven.
J  Morally upright; without guilt or sin
J  morally good : following religious or moral laws 
§  explore
*      last week’s readings were warning about that line of thought

       2.      An alternative

J  (Wikipedia) It is an attribute that implies that a person's actions are justified, and can have the connotation that the person has been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to the god/s portrayed in these belief systems.
J  (NT Wright) The central biblical discussions of righteousness thus principally concern membership in the covenant and the behaviour appropriate to that membership.  … these passages depend on a theology in which God is creator and judge of all the earth, and in which God’s people are to reflect God’s own character.
J  Rob Bell and Don Golden talking about
            describe key characteristics of God as compassion, mercy, justice and love
            suggest God wants righteous people who will enflesh compassion, mercy justice and love
righteousness, holiness, perfection are about God’s compassion, mercy, justice and love – not obedience moral laws
Jesus points out - encounter this understanding       
            mosaic law
            prophets call justice
            teaching and actions Jesus
what Jesus meant said that our righteousness needed to exceed that of Pharisees and scribes
            their righteousness was about obedience to moral code –
            but if we read woes at end Matthew that book end with Beatitudes Jesus says
(23) “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.
righteousness is living out covenant in response to compassion, mercy, love and justice received.
be righteous means to live compassion
be holy is to live mercy
to be perfect is to live justice

       3.      Radical Scriptures

practical implications
Sermon On Mount inspired some leaders of great movements liberation over last 100 years
            inspired Mahatma Ghandi – helped shape understanding Just society he longed for
                        showed him how he might work towards it
            also basis on which Martin Luther King Jr built his understanding of what America might look like it truly honoured constitution
            again offered him model on which develop civil rights movement.
Several suthros reas suggest should be for us basis on which we dream of what life now might look like.

 4.      Not doormats

often read today’s gospel as requirement to be doormats
            used justify intolerable abuse of women, men, poor, slaves
read it in light of world Jesus lived in
             we find completely different reading
remember people being addressed here are poor, alien, slave
poorly treated
seen and treated as less than human
Jesus is not saying – get hard
            tough it out
suggesting that stand up to abuse
            not in way invite more violence and abuse
            way seems to be co-operating while bringing shame on abusers.
a. slave and master – honourable expected way publicly discipline is though striking right cheek with back right hand
            slave is to stand still and accept punishment
            what happens if turn your left cheek?
            master either has to hit with left hand
                        open right hand
                        not hit you at all
-          act of nonviolent opposition

b. if want coat give your cloak
            coat is outer garment kept you warm in cold winter
            cloak – undergarments
            so when someone sues you for your coat – give them all your clothes and stand naked before them
                        make it clear that this act of theirs will leave you effectively naked
-          So why not publicly expose the shame which allows someone with wealth and privilege to take away the only thing a poor person owns by going naked! Give him your underwear. Let him explain why you are naked.
                        shame them with your nakedness

c. forced to go the mile
            soldiers conscript civilians, especially peasants
            rule was only one mile
            effectively meant loose a day’s work
            therefore day’s food family
            offering the second mile exposes the unjust hardship this custom poses to peasants
            while seeming to co-operate.
            act of nonviolent opposition

d. give to all who beg – only care for your family- all about kinship ties (they are your neighbours)
            this suggests that should treat all as your kin, as family
Jesus goes on to suggest that we should treat even our enemies as our kin
            “NOT mean to try and feel affection for them.
It means to be attached to them;
            to be devoted to them;
            to be loyal to them;
            to be bonded with them;
            to join one's fate with theirs;
            to seek for their welfare, their fair and just treatment.
And to behave outwardly in ways that correspond with our inner attachment.”[1]
put all this another way
so not be ruled by anger, hate, lust, self-importance
            that allows you to see others as less than you.
be ruled by God’s compassion, mercy, love and justice.

 5.      Conclusion

Jesus said – “In a word, what I'm saying is, Grow up. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.
            Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect    



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