Aiming for “He Iti Kahurangi”

This sermon can be listened to here:

 Gate Pa – Lent 5 2015
Hebrew Scripture:     Jeremiah 31: 31-34
Psalm:                         51:1-12
Epistle:                        Hebrews 5: 5-10
Gospel:                        John 12:2-=35

What I want to say:
·         I want to use John to explore how big it all is. I want to suggest that the cross exposes our smallness of thought – thought about God, and the world, and who we are in all that. The cross explores our preoccupation with ourselves and our own desires, dreams, hopes and aspirations. In the cross they are shown to be so petty. We are invited instead to have our imagination and our focus reoriented back to God.
What I want to happen:
Do we want to be successful or significant?

The Sermon

1.      Introduction:

Whāia te iti kahurangi
ki te tūohu koe
me he maunga teitei

in our table groups we asked to explore what it means
our group draw picture about that
thought meant that should aim for most precious jewels (which reminded me of Jesus and selling all have for the field with treasure, or buying pearl of great price)
but if you weren’t able to aim that high, if you  needed to bow something lower, then may it be the highest Maunga - mountain
what really interested me about the conversation around that was
      didn’t really talk about iti kahurangi / precious jewels
      not sure we could see the high ideals
focused instead on he maunga teitei – mountain
      saw metaphor journey life
it was really about how our priorities might change over life
from cars, good jobs, house, money
to whanau, education, marae and wider community.
all of which is good
felt like needed something more
felt like we weren’t aiming for that iti kahurangi
just maunga teitei
all had “me” at the centre
like our imagination was holding us back in conversation
all those good things were as far as we could go
anything lofty like changing world – too far
go further we needed different or bigger frame of reference

2.      Jeremiah

If we let it
Bible is all about offering bigger or different frame of reference
e.g. Jeremiah
Jeremiah – as we learned in our Lenten studies 3 years ago
one first writers to push understanding God from tribal God
better and bigger than all rest
demands obedience to rules to save
to One God, creator of all
already acted to bring salvation
invites people to live in response to love and generosity offered
and to be a beacon to all other people world
today heard that
      despite devastation suffered
are to be people of hope
driven not so much by obedience in order to earn a reward
      responded to all God already offered
      people changed from inside
Now that really is offering different or bigger frame of reference.

3.      John

Like other gospel writers
John saw Jesus as offering much bigger understanding of God that people had
saw Jesus as the signpost to God
sought broaden hearers imagination include qualities of
·         generosity
·         love
·         mercy
·         healing
·         compassion
·         changing not just individual lives
·         how whole communities function
·         shattering darkness blinds us to who we all are
·         allowing us to live again as people made in image God
cross is portrayed as THE ultimate sign
acts like battle standard
all those follow The Christ look to it
reorientate themselves by it
understand their place in relation to it.
It was the moment in which our imaginations were changed,
we become new people marked by
·          generosity
·         love
·         mercy
·         healing
·         compassion

4.      Domesticated

too often
feels like domesticate this message
domesticated God
made God small again
reduced cross to death that appeased God’s anger
allow us back into God’s sight
rather than outrageous act of compassionate love
breaks all that blinds and holds us down
allows this world to be all that God hoped for from the beginning

5.      Church

think - frame of reference become too small
not only understanding of God become too small
understanding who we are and what we are about too small
come think that we are kingdom of God rather than kingdom being God’s work among all people
come think God can only act through us
      rather than seeing God at work throughout creation
      inviting us to join that work
come to think it is all about me and God and getting into heaven
rather than God’s passion for all creation
and in incarnation
God working to allow this world and all who live in it to be all created to be.
come to think that all about going to church
rather than church helping us be people whose imaginations have been stretched
so that we join God in God’s passion for all creation
we still need different or bigger frame of reference.

6.      2nd half of life

last week also had conversation about 2nd half of life
both read Richard Rohr – American Franciscan, - writes and talks about this a lot
colleague talked about another author he had read suggested that in first half life we are motivated by need for success
really all things identified on our picture at Maori class
·         money
·         car
·         house
·         job
·         quest to be famous – see in X Factor, cooking shows etc…
2nd half-life we move to wanting to be significant
much more about people
less about me
impression leave
whether leave this earth better off for being here
even if no-one knows.

7.      Significant church

A lot of our church thinking is first half of life thinking
all about building up sense of who we are
being successful
            big congregations
            successful outreach
            being known
so many conversations I hear about church are about how to be successful
a lot of our angst is became we aren’t very successful at all
I suggest – that it is all too small
struggling up high mountain, he maunga teitei
rather than aspiring for iti kahurangi
need bigger or different frame of reference
I wonder if changing our focus to being significant might be just that
Is God inviting us to be significant rather than successful?
as we
prepare for AGM
reflect on past year I wonder what it might look like to be significant
if we allowed our imaginations to be stretched beyond breaking point
allowed ourselves meet God made known in Jesus
I wonder if we look for he iti kahurangi rather than he maunga teitei
what would a significant church look like


what has been most significant in our life as people God in last year
what does that teach us for the year ahead


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