Colonialism and aid and such
week I was part of an email conversation about a request from a group in Africa
for money to purchase prayer books and bibles etc.... The result of that
conversation has incensed me. I have even lost sleep over it, which really bugs
me, because in the end it was only £500. Although £500 is a lot of money.
think in part what annoyed me was the attitude at play in the conversation. It
struck me as appallingly patronising. This group of Africans have this need.
They have asked this nice English person for help. She vouches for them. We
should give it. Which of course reinforces the idea that we white people are a
source of money whenever it is needed. And that we don’t really need to check
out with anyone in the African Province of this group about whether this is a
good idea. We all know it is. It also reinforced our sense of superiority. Aren’t
we the super nice generous ones helping these poor unfortunate people with our largesse?
wondered why I reacted like this. No-one else had a problem with what was being
proposed. Then I read Graham Cameron’s blog posting today. He offers a critique
of the Media coverage of Pam, and our response as well, it is not just about
the media. You should read it for yourself.
back to me. I suspect that being around people like him has changed my
perspective on things. I do see the world differently. Thanks Graham and all
you others. It was a lot easier being a colonialist. Don’t get me wrong, I am
sure I still am. But I am not quite where I was. So I just drift in this
awkward space