Resurrection Promise

This Sunday has a lot going on. It is Mother’s Day. It is Marion’s birthday. We welcome Dylan Beaver into the world wide church with baptism. And it is the Sunday after Ascension and the last Sunday of Easter. The great 50 days of Easter is about to end. What then might we say about resurrection?
The Incarnation of Jesus – The Word of God made one of us, and the death and resurrection of Jesus have been understood from the beginning as the ultimate sign of God’s commitment to this world and all who live in it. It is a promise that can be relied on – that God is working to bring life, peace, justice to all people through the way of Jesus – a way marked by generosity, mercy, hope. And we as the people of God are a big part of how that promise is being fulfilled. And today Dylan becomes part of the people of God and part of God’s promise.
Today in the Gospel Jesus prays that we might be one. Too often we understand God’s promise as being for us as individuals. But we are called to be a community – a community that is absolutely committed to each other no matter the cost. That is not how other groups work. It is this commitment that marks us out as different – our love despite the differences. Good theory. Way harder to live out. But there is also the promise in this - in God it will happen.
Some questions to ponder. How does God’s promise change our present? How does it shape how we live? How does it influence how we treat each other? How does it affect the promises we make to other?


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