Thoughts on a Battle

I did not preach on Sunday. Cliff Simons, one of our parishioners and a military historian gave the homily instead. It was based on the thoughts he gave on Friday during our service to remember the Battle of Gate Pa - Te Pakanga o Pukehinahina. Some people suggested his thoughts should be offered to our pariohsioners who had not been able to attend. You can listen to them here.

Our gospel reading for Sunday was John 14:23-29 - where we join Jesus and the dicsiples. Jesus teaches that if they obey his word, they will know his peace, his wholeness - Shalom! What then is Jesus word? I think it is the acted out word just given to the disciples - his washing their feet. It is the acted out word of hospitality that this last meal whoudl ahve reminded them of - sitting and eating with, accepting the hospitality of those the religious rule keepers and powerful had deemed unblessable and unimpotant. In accepting their food he honourd and blessed them. It is the word summed up in "Love the Lord your God with your heart and mind and soul, by loving your neighbour as yourself."

My own persepective is that the story of Gate Pa offers us examples of both how to keep the word in these very trying times in the actions of Rawiri Puhirake, Henare Taratoa and Heni Te Kiri Karamu; and how not to keep the word, in the actions of the settler government determined to gain more land by what ever means needed. 

That is one of the reasons we host the 60 Bells Service for the people of Tauranga Moana - a chance for people to hear the story and have time to sit with it in silence, and to relfect on the cost of that battle for those killed (about 60 of them) and injured, and for nga iwi o Tauranga Moana with the loss of their land with the confiscations. We will build a better future when we learn the story and act as Jesus acted, with compassion, hospitatility and grace -i.e. act on his word.

May we learn more of this story, be shaped by the generosity of some in this story, and learn of the mistakes of others, that we too might be people of the Word, working with God to bring Shalom/Saleem.


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