What is righteousness?
we hear the story of Jesus being presented in the temple by his devout parents,
as we light candles to remind us that Jesus is the light of the whole world, as
we listen to Matthew’s Jesus invite us to be salty and light, as we look to
commemorate our National Day tomorrow, we are asked, “What is righteousness?”
some of us struggle to comprehend how the Trump presidency demonises some and
dehumanises others, and how any Christian could possibly support this we are
asked, “What is righteousness?”
is when we join God the Creators longing for this world and God’s people, when
we reclaim we are image bearers of God’s creative love and generosity, when we
become lights in a seemingly dark world, and become the salt plates that get the
dung fires of God’s justice and hope burning once again.
does God long for this world, for us, for this land as we remember again Te Tiriti
o Waitangi?