Why Worry
Can be listened to here
Gate Pa – Year A 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Parish AGM
Psalm: 131
First Reading:
Second Reading: 1 Cor
Matt 6:24-34
What I want to
do we live for? What is it all about? What distracts us from being perfect?
What I want to
People to use lent to become more righteous,
more perfect, unhindered
The Sermon
1. Introduction:
Start with a confession
While re-reading my report about Centrepoint
that I seem to have left out the fact that our tenants upstairs have left – for
variety of reasons
negotiating with Ministry of Education for a class from the Tauranga Special
School to go up there
And that this is taking a lot longer than
either Tauranga Special School or we would like
And that this is causing a few moments of
anxiety for both Management Committee and for Vestry
is without tenants paying rent, our ability to have full time vicar is greatly
So now number you might be feeling anxious as
Lucky we have today’s gospel reading
Essentially – Jesus seems to be saying – Don’t
worry, be happy.
2. Gospel
Todays reading can operate at number of levels
At very basic level Jesus is saying stop being
Greek here is bit more intense than worry
– probably the closest we can get
If that were a word
If you are like me – we can spend lot time
angsting over things that have not, might not, maybe probably will not happen
When first got lease document from MoE for Chadwick
Rd – talked about special class (not Tauranga Special School)
Some of those involved in Centrepoint got
extremely concerned.
made up all kinds of terrible scenarios
to know what we could do to prevent them
were being twisted at great knot
Not very happy when all I said was
Most of this probably will not happen
We don’t know who will go up there.
Lets wait to find out who it is and what the
issues are
Then we can get really angsty about the real
And we will deal with those issues
But let’s face it – where is the fun in that.
Jesus is not saying don’t plan
Is saying – be careful what you spend your
time angsting about
So what is it
that you are anxious about
If you can’t change
that maybe this
lent you could try to let go of?
Spend that time
and energy on something more productive?
3. Being Perfect
there is more
This is not a stand-alone piece scripture we
can just use for helpful life lessons
Which will help you and I live life better.
this is part of chunk teaching we call - Sermon
on Mount
which we have been listening to for the last few
Begins with description of who people greatest
honour are (beatitudes)
looks nothing like list most important people in his time, or our time
Finishes with story about people who hear but
fail to act – who are like those who build on sand
As opposed to those who hear and act – who are
like those who build on rock.
This whole block is about what are lives are
based on and how we live that out
Community here at
St. George’s
Asks – what are our lives based on
Last few weeks hearing about being righteous and
being perfect
Which is (ask)
When we live as bearers of the image of God
God’s compassion, generosity, mercy, justice and love
Same compassion, generosity, mercy, justice
and love we see being lived out by Jesus
Vs 33: But strive first for the kingdom of God[a] and his[b] righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well.
What is it we strive for?
What gets us out of bed in the morning?
Keeps us going through the day?
What is it that you hope for in your life and
for this world?
Today – on our AGM
What is it that we strive for here?
is it we hope for St. Georges?
For me
Most of the time
It has nothing to do with God’s compassion, generosity,
mercy, justice and love
Way more mundane than that
Most of the time it is about keeping this
parish going
sure that we have enough money
about the future
how to attract more people to belong
When real question is – in what ways are we
being image bearers?
How do we enflesh God’s compassion, generosity,
mercy, justice and love?
Imagine if our reports simply talked about that?
Because – that is the point.
That is what should consume us
That is what we should worry about
Jesus is saying this morning
everything else just distracts us.
Discuss -