Take up your cross and follow me
Jesus says, “Take up your cross and follow me”. Given I wear
a cross most of the time this doesn’t sound too hard. Our churches are
decorated with them. Some people go around wearing big styley ones.
For others they are cool jewellery. These crosses were far from the minds of those first disciples.
Just before this Sundays reading from Matthew they were euphoric. Peter had proclaimed Jesus as messiah and he was now "rock on which to build". And then Jesus blows their minds with talk of defeat and execution and when Peter objects he gets renaming "stumbling rock". He goes on - "Take up
your cross and follow me".
It is hard to imagine a saying more offensive, more confrontational,
more likely to get people moving in the other direction. Jesus was shaking all
the old assumptions out of them. He wanted them to see their identity not in
what they did or had done. So what Peter got it right momentarily. That was not so important. Only one thing would get
them through what came next – knowing who they were only in terms of God’s love and faithfulness. Paul was the
same. We are simply to be defined by the character of God revealed in the story
of Jesus. Taking up a cross allows for nothing else.