THE question
This week in our gospel reading Jesus asks THE question – “who
do people say I am?” and then “who do YOU say I am?” Who do people say Jesus
is? How often do those answers confuse us and lead us astray? How much do those
answers influence who we say Jesus is? Mathew wrote a gospel in answer to that
question, as did Mark, Luke and John. And Paul wrote his letter to the Roman
churches answering that question as well.
It is a good question. But I wonder how often we answer it
without asking what comes next. Paul spent the first 11 chapters of his letter outlining
his answer. He spends the next three and a half outlining the follow up
question – the point of it all – so what? How do we live out that in Jesus the covenant
is fulfilled? How do our attitudes and actions reveal that humanity is
restored, creation renewed, Eden returned?