Keeping an Eye on the Big Picture

This sermon can be listened to here

Gate Pa – Lent 5 2018
Hebrew Scripture:     Jeremiah 31: 31-34
Psalm:                         51:1-12
Epistle:                        Hebrews 5: 5-10
Gospel:                        John 12:2-=35
What I want to say:
What is it all about? What is life about? What is a life of faith about? What is it we are aiming for? And what does Jesus suggest it might be about?
I want to suggest that the cross exposes our smallness of thought – thought about God, and the world, and who we are in all that. The cross explores our preoccupation with ourselves and our own desires, dreams, hopes and aspirations. We are invited instead to have our imagination and our focus reoriented back to God and God’s world.

What I want to happen:
Do we want to be successful or significant?

The Sermon

1.      Introduction:

One of the Te Reo Maori courses we were often given whakatauki or proverb to translate and interpret
One of whakatauki that still remember is
Whāia te iti kahurangi
ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei
Which means something like “Aim for the smallest but most precious treasure - iti kahurangi,
but if you can’t aim that high, go for the high mountain – he maunga teitei
What really interested me was the conversation around that
people in my group, and in class
saw metaphor journey life
-           about how our priorities might change over life
o   from cars, good jobs, house, money
o   to whanau, education, marae and wider community.
all of which is good
felt like needed something more
felt like we were aiming for maunga teitei
not he iti kahurangi
couldn’t even imagine what he iti kahurangi might be
felt like our imagination was holding us back
all those good things were as far as we could go
about me and my life
anything lofty like changing world – too far
go further we needed different or bigger frame of reference

2. Us

If I am honest I suspect that most time I am no different
that most of us aren’t any different
spend most time aiming for very similar kinds of things
Lent offers us a chance to re-examine what it is we aim for
maybe invites us to consider something bigger
we still need different or bigger frame of reference.
I think that this is exactly what is going on in our gospel reading this morning

3.      John

which is a bit of an odd story
some Greeks – disagreement over whether – Greekised Jews from diaspora
-          Greeks who have become Jews
-          non Jewish gentiles
go to Philip – clearly comes from very Gentile part of Palestine
-           sounds and looks approachable
Ü  goes to Andrew – first disciple in John
Ü  they go to Jesus (are Greeks there)
Ü  Jesus responds to request not with – sure
ü  or – nice to meet you, would you like a coffee
ü  but with
“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour.
to which the only proper response
is – What!
Jesus is blowing their minds
they were aiming for he maunga teitei
-          something to with Jesus being the messiah
-          somehow God’s reign coming in this messiah
-          which was going to be good for them - hopefully
Ü  trouble was lot of people want him dead
ü  Jesus returned to area around Jerusalem because his friend Lazarus had died
ü  Thomas had said that that they would go with him and die with him if need be
ü  then raised Lazarus from dead – annoys Jerusalem elite
ü  want Jesus and Lazarus dead
ü  Jesus enters Jerusalem in very provocative manner
ü  on feast of Passover
ü  disciples are really not sure where all this is leading
to all this Jesus says
“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour.
This is not what they were hoping for
not what we thought should happen here
for most of us – not what we are hoping for either
this is a very unexpected iti kahurangi
have to wonder what the Greeks did at this point
suspect they quietly backed away – they did not want to lose their lives
now Thomas’s words were coming back to haunt

4. Big understanding

Jesus was and is  offering much bigger understanding of God than people had
-          and I suspect have
we still struggle with it
In John’s gospel
invited to see God not as all powerful and all conquering
but all loving
When Jesus is lifted up on the cross
meet God’s glory
in a self-giving powerless love
sadly we often miss that
because we are so keen to move on to the resurrection
where we hope glory really lies
but in Johns gospel – all about death on the cross
John sought broaden hearers imagination
broaden their understand of character of God found in Jesus include
-          generosity
-          justice
-          love
-          mercy
-          healing
-          compassion
·         changing not just individual lives
·         how whole communities function
·         shattering darkness blinds us to who we all are
·         allowing us to live again as people made in image God
cross is portrayed as THE ultimate sign
acts like battle standard
all those follow The Christ look to it
reorientate themselves by it
understand their place in relation to it.
Crucifixion in John’s gospel was the moment in which our imaginations were changed,
if we are willing
we become new people marked by
-          generosity
-          justice
-          love
-          mercy
-          healing
-          compassion
The story we heard this morning
is moment in gospel we begin to turn our focus on to the cross
begin journey to be at foot cross
Key moment
rest Johns gospel is all about the cross  
-          and affirmation of cross in resurrection

5.      Domesticated

too often
feels like domesticate this message
domesticated God
made God small again
reduced cross to death that appeased God’s anger
allow us back into God’s sight
rather than outrageous act of compassionate and generous love
breaks all that blinds and holds us down
allows this world to be all that God hoped for from the beginning
we have been offered he iti kahurangi
we choose to climb he maunga teitei instead
sometimes not even that

7.      Significant church

so where are we aiming for
he iti kahurangi – the dream of world as God created it?
or he maunga teitei – a thriving church
how does this change how we approach events of holy week and good Friday?


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