The revolution begins - thoughts on John 12:20-33

Phew! John's version of the story of Jesus is so very different from the other three. God only speaks here, not at the baptism. There is no transfiguration. The angst of Gethsemane is moved to here. And the cross looms o so large. Here we are in chapter 12. Palm Sunday is done and dusted and we are in Jerusalem. The end game has begun. About 35% of John's gospel tells the story from the last supper and events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection.
For John the cross changes everything.  The cross becomes the point we see Jesus through, and through Jesus we see God. It is the point we see world history through. It is the mirror we are invited to see ourselves in. As N.T. Wright says, it is the day the revolution begins. The revolution of generosity, mercy, inclusion, justice and aroha.
That was John. What does the cross change for us?


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