Are We Ready To Dance?

What a great package of themes and readings we have this Sunday: Trinity Sunday and all that goes with that. Nicodemus and being born again. AND John 3:16 – probably the best known verse in the bible. So let’s start by looking at the reading from John (3: 1-17) and by putting that back into where it fits in John’s gospel.
The story of Nicodemus is an example of what  John had been just talking about – that Jesus did not trust himself to anyone who believed because of the signs he was doing (and what were the signs up to this point?) Nicodemus represents these people and the Judean elite. He wants to get right what Jesus is teaching. And Jesus isn’t interested. Instead Jesus talks about being born again – starting again, with a new identity and a new way of being.
Too often we are like Nicodemus -we want to understand God. Maybe get the Trinity down pat. Sort it all out. But Jesus is inviting us into something more. He is inviting us into the dance at the heart of God. Jesus is inviting us to start again living that way of God he lived, the way of compassion, generosity, justice and love. Those qualities that are at the heart of God and swirl in the dance of the Trinity. Are we ready to start again and join the dance?


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