Happy Mothers Day

Happy mother’s day to all mothers. May you know God’s peace and goodness this and every day. And to those whose deepest desire is to be a mother but are unable to fulfil this desire; may you too know God’s peace and goodness this and every day.
Today’s reading from John’s gospel carries on from what we read last week where Jesus invites us, his disciples, to be the branches that abide in him, the vine. We hear that invitation again this week – to abide in love. God’s love is the sap, the blood, that runs through us and gives us life. What then is this love that runs through us?  Jesus shows us that at the beginning of this story, when, as the disciples gathered for this last supper, he washed their feet. This is the command, the love, lived out
But maybe we need only look to our mothers. We lose so much when we forget that God is both father and mother. On this mother’s day, may our mothers at their best be icons of the love we are to abide in, so that we might love one another as we are loved.


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