Bread of LIfe

In our three year lectionary, it is "Bread of life" month. This Sunday we hear the first of seven “I Am” statements made by Jesus in John’s gospel. At the 9.30 service we will be exploring all seven sayings. 
These sayings point to seven important aspects of Jesus’ identity, and as such seven aspects of God’s character. They are the backbone of John’s theology of who Jesus is. Each saying draws on First Testament imagery and the interaction of Jesus saying with that story provide a rich resource for reflection.

On the back of last week’s feeding of the 5000, and the conversation around the feeding those God had saved through the Red Sea crossing with manna from heaven,  Jesus declares that he is the bread of life. In our context in Aotearoa, what does Jesus being the bread of life invite us into? How might we join in this being the bread of life?
I am not sure when or even if any sermon notes might appear. Tomorrow I travel to Auckland for my daughters graduation with an MA in creative writing - cool. Sermon writing is one of the casualties.


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