Living the Gospel like Francis and Tapu

This sermon can be listened to here

Gate Pa – Year C  7th Sunday in Ordinary Time,


Psalm           Psalm: 37:1-11, 39-40                                                            

First Reading:                         Genesis 45:3-11,15                

Second Reading:                    1 Cor 15:35-38, 42-50            

Gospel:                                    Luke 6:27-38                          

What I want to say:

Use the stories of Francis and Tapu to explore how Luke 6:27-38 is a description of both how we live in response to realising that we are wrapped in love and where to look for the unfolding reign of God

The Sermon

       1.     Introduction:

asked to talk at Ash Wednesday service on being Franciscan and Lent, or something like that.

despite lofty title really don’t feel qualified to offer

more than A Franciscan approach to Lent.

       2.     Francis

all starts with Francis

Giovani (John)

who is he

famous knight saving damsel

Troubadours sang about

not noble

battle with Perugia

never really recovered


-         leper

-         cross in san Damiano

-         1208 Matthew sending 12

>       embraced lady poverty

-         when first follower asked join him

>       read gospels 3X

>       sell everything and give to poor

-         went to Rome

-         wrote rule – collection of gospel passages

-         got to wonder if passages like read Luke were among them

       3.     Living the Gospel

       4.     Tapu

living example


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