Fierce Freeing Love
A father had two sons and loved them with such a fierce love.
He loved when one told him he wished he was dead and fled to a freer life among
gentiles. He loved even when one could only serve in order to be dutiful and devout
enough to earn his place, unable to be a son. He loved in scandalous ways that
protected and welcomed and made space. Where do we know such love?
Mary knew his scandalous and freeing love. She sat as a
disciple at his feet among the men cloaked in welcome and protection. She
berated his absence as her brother died and they prepared him for the grave. She
felt his pain and reluctance as he reclined at her brother’s table, a breath
away from the short journey to unimaginable death. She loved him with such a
fierce love; breaking boundaries, pre-empting his loving foot washing,
defiantly offering embalming to one who will not ever receive such care.
She knew there will never cease to be poor in the land,[1] so
she opened wide her hand to this poor needy man[2] and
loved him on into all that awaited him. Where do we love with such freedom?