Which peace?
Passover – a rumbling festival pregnant with ancient
memories and hopes of release from Empire and freedom from slavery and poverty.
This is not the biggest, but it is one of the most turbulent. Into this
expectant mass come two parades trumpeting peace.
From the west Pilate leads his legions astride his
war stallion, stomping in through the wealthy part of town, warmly welcomed for
the prosperity and peace he represents. A peace built on Pax Romana – the way
of violence, fear, submission, and enslavement. The peace of empire.
To the east a small ragtag group surround a rabbi on
a donkey riding down the Mount of Olives. His disciples lay their prized cloaks
before him, dangerously and defiantly hailing him a king. They sing and dance through
the tents of the poor and landless pitched across the Kidron. They are reminded
of Zechariah and Isaiah. He is God’s peace – the way of compassion, generosity,
hospitality, and justice. The peace of God.
In our troubled days, as we mourn 50 killed; talk
show hosts still calling up outrage; and we gather to remember Gate Pa; which
parade do we stand in? Which way do we put our faith in?
You can here my use of Brian McLaren's "We Make the Road by Walking". for the Sunday sermon here
You can here my use of Brian McLaren's "We Make the Road by Walking". for the Sunday sermon here