The Animals – our brothers and sisters

This sermon can be listened to here

Gate Pa –  4th  Sunday in Season of Creation - Year C - 2019
Psalm -                          Psalm  104:14-23, 31. 
First Reading:               Job 39:1-2, 26-30                             
Second Reading:           1 Corinthians 1:10-23                      
Gospel:                         Luke 12:22-31 

What I want to say:
To remind ourselves of what I have said about Season of Creation so far and to expand on that by saying that
-          we are enmeshed and sustained by web of life – includes all animals great and small
-          scripture invites us to see animals not as resources for our use but as our brothers and sisters
-          God creates and gives life through all animals by their very existence
           they inspire our awe and wonder of God
·          they hold life in an intricate self-sustaining web
·          we are damaging if not killing it
What I want to happen:
-          in what ways does our longing for the coming of God’s justice and peace includes a world where ALL living creatures, great and small, have the resources to experience fullness of life.
-          in what ways do we honour our brothers and sisters in our actions and attitudes
-          how we might live in ways that allows them to continue doing God’s work?

The Sermon 

       1.     Introduction and recap: (season of creation)

few weeks we began this Season of Creation
join annual global ecumenical celebration
-         where invited to honour God as Creator and Sustainer of all life
-         to recall that this is God’s world,
-         and that this planet and all who live on it belong to God.
invited join others around world,
-         doing hands-on projects,
-         advocate.
-         making small (or large) changes – resource sheet (another one this week)
began with Genesis 1: 1-27
-         reminded not only that this world belongs to God not us
-         but that we are made in image of God who is creating and giving life
o   relationship with creation should be marked by these qualities
-         given dominion -> usually read as domination
o   Hebrew word is rabba - means kingly rule
·        rules for long term good of all subjects, starting with poorest.
·        our dominion is to live in such a way that the long term good of all, including world we live on – God’s gift to us – is paramount
-         all of which stands in stark contrast to way we West treated God’s gift last few hundred years

       2.     Oceans (Whale)

last time  invited take note of oceans
-         By volume, the ocean provides about 90 percent of the living space.[1]
o   The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke has pointed out it would be more appropriate to refer to planet Earth as planet Ocean.[24][25]
-         Most life forms evolved initially in marine habitats.
-         A total of 230,000 documented marine species exist, including about 20,000 species of marine fish,
-         some two million marine species yet to be documented.
-         Marine microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses, constitute about 70% of the total marine biomass
-         oceans provide amazing way into the overall theme for this year’s Season of Creation
o   “The Web of Life – biodiversity as God’s blessing”
-         this web like intricate net
-         self-sustaining net of complex relationships and feedback loops
o   natural life-support systems
-         talked about how we have been busy cutting the threads of this net
-         reflected on what might happen if we keep cutting the threads
in light of all that we joined writer of Psalm 104  and Job in being in awe and wonder
-         at oceans
-         and at God who creates both the oceans and the intricate web of life that sustains and holds all life
-         wondered how our interactions with creation and with God might be built on this awe and wonder

        3.     Animals and the Web of Life

This week invited reflect on web animal life in which we are held and sustained
Invited to reflect on our relationship and attitude to all animals
-         pets
-         farm
-         wild
talk to neighbours about attitude to and relationship with those three categories of animals?

      4.     Pets
-         plenary re pets
as follower of St. Francis and St. Clare
invited see all creation as our brothers and sisters
-         Canticle of creatures or canticle of brother sun and sister moon
-         sang some of last week
while might struggle to see our pets as brother and sister
-         do as part of family
-         although not always treated like that
-         why need work SPCA and Pound Rescue etc…

       5.     Farm animals

what about farm animals?
      è response
much harder for most
that attitude is leading many to increasingly take up at least vegetarian lifestyle
-         many – vegan lifestyle
-         Paula keeps that before us in our Parish magazines which I am grateful for
-         something I wrestle with
a lot of good caring farmers care for animals
too many see animals as resource to make money
o   hen crate
o   sow pens
I wonder how many of us think about that when we buy eggs, meat
Ü Pope Francis and Laudate Si
o   concern that we are little idea where food comes from
o   people involved – farmers
·        farm labourers and pickers( often around world poorly paid)
·        those work in industries packing, transporting, processing
·        those work supermarkets/shops etc..
o   invited those read encyclical to include them in our prayers before meals
·        we might like include animals involved as well

        6.     Wild animals

Wild animals are different again
      è responses

        7.     Actively doing God’s work

this week
invited to remember that all these creatures are not simply receivers of God’s goodness
but like us
by their very existence
they are doing God’s ongoing creating and life giving  work
our actions
deprive them of resources they need to flourish and thrive
and that have led to changing climate
are affecting their ability to be engaged in this work
we are hindering our brothers and sisters as they seek to be part of God’s ongoing creating and life giving work

       8.     Conclusion/Discussion
  • In what ways do we honour our brothers and sisters in how we live?
  • In what ways do we offer all brothers and sisters the resources they need to experience the fullness of life so that they might continue doing God’s life giving work?
  • In what ways does our longing for the coming of God’s reign of justice and peace include all animals who live in God’s creation?


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