
This sermon can be listened to here

Gate Pa –  3rd Sunday in Advent - Year A - 2019
Psalm -                      Psalm: 146:  5 -10 
First Reading -        Isaiah 35: 1 -10
Second Reading -   James 5: 7 -10
Gospel -                    Matt 11: 2 -13  

What I want to say:
What brings me joy?
What bring God joy?
What is joy and how do we pay attention to it and nurture it?
Where do we find joy in our gospel reading this morning?

What I want to happen:
 People to reflect on what joy means this advent

The Sermon

      1.     Introduction:

What brings me joy?
What bring God joy?
       è discuss

      2.     What is Joy?

Joy is one of the central themes of our lives as Franciscans
as those who seek to walk in the footsteps of Francis and Clare
who walked in the footsteps of Christ
are lot of self-help books about how develop joy or happiness
For us as Franciscans
-         joy is not something we can develop for ourselves
In our principles it is defined as
a divine gift, coming from union with God in Christ. It is still there even in times of darkness and difficulty, giving us cheerful courage in the face of disappointment, and an inward serenity and confidence through sickness and suffering. Those of us who possess it can rejoice in weakness, insults, hardships, and persecutions for Christ's sake; for when we are weak then we are strong.”
From “The Principles, Third Order, Society of Saint Francis.”
Joy is a gift.
It is planted deep down
but there are things we can do to help nurture our joy.
Last year listening to “The Book of Joy - Lasting Happiness in a Changing World”
By Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and Douglas Abrams
quote research by Sonja Lyubomirsky
3 ways to be joyful
-         Ability to reframe a situation positively
-         Ability to experience gratitude
-         Ability to be kind or generous.
what surprises me is how often these three ways of nurturing joy keep coming up from the spiritual traditions Buddhism, Christianity and Judaism
when we
-         reframe a situation positively
-         experience gratitude
-         are kind or generous.
we water and nurture the divine gift of joy

       3.     John’s Advent Question?

ð Where do we find joy in our gospel reading this morning?
John – who in last seeks reading is certain about who Jesus is
Now seemingly uncertain
Lots conjecture about why
-         Change situation – now in prison awaiting possible/probable death
o   Wants confirmation
-         Jesus not doing what thoughts would happen
o   Not enough repentance
o   Not enough fireworks
o   Not enough revolution?
-         Or heard troubling stories that make him doubt
-         Maybe behind that interesting statement
o   “And blessed is anyone who takes no offence at me.”
Sends messengers to Jesus ask “THE” advent question
“Are you the one, or should we wait for another?”
To which Jesus responds
“Go back and tell John what’s going on:
The blind see,
The lame walk,
Lepers are cleansed,
The deaf hear,
The dead are raised,
The wretched of the earth learn that God is on their side.”
How does this answer John’s advent question?

       4.     Isaiah

One way to answer that is look where Jesus might be referencing
A lot commentators think Matthew is quoting number passages in Isaiah
-         Sometimes called 5th gospel
-         Huge influence on Jesus and how Gospel writers understood who he was
These people are more than just sick
Sick because communal life both kingdoms is not as God intended
Especially southern kingdom of Judah that Isaiahs are writing to
-         During Assyrian assault
-         During exile
-         After exile
What Isaiah is talking about
What Jesus is talking about
Not people suffering for medical reasons (no-one thought that at this point)
Not because individuals’ sin – many might understood it
Communal sin
-         Sin of leadership in particular
-         Greed and corruption
Promise of Isaiah
Promise lived out in Jesus is that reign God will come
Through Israel
-         Humanity renewed
-         Human community is restored
-         Creation recalled
What Jesus is doing is more than healing individuals
Declaring that time of reign of God has begun
Shows disciples how to live in that reign
Announcing that he is indeed the one
With an invitation to join

       5.     Joy

This has been a hard week
Whakaari White Island appalling
-         Sickening
-         So sad
Climate change conference showing we are getting nowhere
-         US, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Russia and others – who consistently work to undermine even the demand-side restrictions the Paris deal encourages.”
-         Australian Prime Minister unconcerned both by the fires and health hazardsmoke is causing and will continue to cause to Australians and to us
-         Just as in time Jesus
-         Poor who are paying price for greed of rich powerful
Where is joy in all that
What might bring God joy in all this?

Finish with CWS movie


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