Shalom - Peace

Today we continue our journey through Advent – preparing for and celebrating the coming of the Christ of history, mystery and majesty. The gospel reading (Matthew 3:1-12) reminds us that in our baptism we are invited to join John the Baptiser pointing to and preparing for the establishment of the way of God, the way of God’s shalom. We see this way revealed in the life of Jesus, starting with Christmas, who lived compassion, generosity, hospitality, (Christ of history);  and are invited into this ongoing work of God’s justice and love at work today (Christ of mystery); looking for the day when God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Christ of majesty). We hear John’s call to repentance, to turn from the values and practices of the old age and embrace the values and practices of God’s new age.
We often translate shalom as peace, the theme for this week.  Shalom is more than the absence of violence. It is completeness, wholeness, when all is as God intended. Hope (last week’s theme) and peace/shalom go together. In today’s readings we are offered some amazing images of hope and peace, especially in Isaiah; images of both predator and prey lying together in peace. We are called to be a people who live out of this hope of true peace despite the evidence.
Today we baptise Charlotte Rose. In her baptism she joins us in living God’s peace and hope. As she is baptised, she is immersed into the values and practices of the way of God, the way of shalom. In doing this we join Gemma and Richie and her family in their desire to see Charlotte grow living God’s justice, compassion and generosity for all.
During this week I invite you to take time at the end of each day to pray for Charlotte and her family, and to give thanks for ways God brought peace and hope into the world through you.


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