Waiting in Jesus

On Thursday we remembered the Ascension of Jesus. I posted some remarks on Facebook and the parish YouTube channel about what that might offer us this year. We sometimes describe the Ascension as the risen Jesus leaving earth to be with God, leaving us to carry on the work of God in the Spirit. Because Christ is no longer with us, we become his hands and feet. I am not sure that is what is meant here.
In the incarnation, the Word of God came among us in a particular place and time in Jesus. The crucified and risen Jesus was still present to his disciples in that particular time and place. The Ascended Christ returns into God who is beyond time and is present in all places and in all time. Though the Ascension Christ is known in all times and in all places and continues the work of bringing about the reign of God on earth as in heaven. Which means that Christ is with us in all times and places including: in lockdown levels 4 and 3; in the restrictions of level 2; whether we are gathered in our churches, or in our homes watching church online or praying on our own knowing we are not alone in our prayer.
In our gospel reading for the last Sunday in Easter, we return to John’s version of the last supper and hear Jesus’ prayer as he prepares to leave his friends and disciples. His prayer, how he prays and what he prays for, reveal who he knew God to be. It is a deeply intimate moment as Jesus prays first for himself, and then for his disciples and followers. In these testing times as we hear Jesus pray for his disciples we can hear the prayer that Jesus continues to pray for his disciples and followers today, including us. We might not be able to gather in our building, but we can rest in the Ascended Christ’s ongoing prayer for each and all of us.
Like Jesus’ prayer, our prayers reveal our understand and expectations of God. As we look uncertainly to the future, I wonder what we pray for: for our world, for Aotearoa – New Zealand, for our church? If you would like to share some of these prayers, I invite you to send them into Patricia to be included in our next parish web.


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