Happy New Year!

by Annette Cater

Happy New Year! We have survived. Some of us are a little stressed and strained. Most of us are tired. But here we are in a new church year! What new year’s hopes and resolutions do you bring into the year ahead?

Despite what the shops and media are telling us, it is not Christmas yet. It is Advent – the four Sundays before Christmas. We often see these as a time to prepare for the coming of Christ in Christmas, but it is so much more. Advent is preparing for and celebrating the coming of Christ in history (Christmas) mystery (now) and in majesty (when God’s will be finally done on earth as in heaven). 

During these weeks we are offered time to reflect on how we have experienced the crucified and risen Christ over this last time, and out of that what we look and hope for as followers of Jesus as we look ahead.

Our gospel reading (Mark 13:24-37) picks up one of the themes of the last few weeks in Matthew; actively waiting. Starting with the story of the ten virgins we are reminded that waiting, hoping, and looking are not passive activities. 

Traditionally in Advent we focus our preparation on the   themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. This first Sunday in Advent is a time to ask ourselves where we see God at work bringing hope into our community and our world. More than that, we are invited into active watching, to join in that work of hope building. Advent reminds us to live as if our hopes are realised and the reign of God is among us. Because it is – if not fully.


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