A Christmas Reflection

 Christmas 2020

So here we are
Christmas 2020
After a year of COVID-19
Which has reshaped our lives
And for some
Too many
Their hopes and dreams for the future
A year that has left us at best feeling
that whole Christmas thing
just seems a little bit harder this year
amidst the weariness
and grief and guilt – for some
but there it is
and here we are. 
This little piece of RNA 
this scrap of genetic material 
that needs a host to be alive
Has changed our world
For better and for worse
We have watched the bumbling of so many governments around the world
With so many paying the price with their health
Their mental health
Their lives.
We have seen economies suffer
And so many, women in particular out of work
Struggling to pay the bills.
And we have seen so many live sacrificially for others
Medical people around the world
Those in essential services working on despite the risk
We saw neighbours looking out for each other 
And an astounding rise community spirit 
With many social service agencies and groups 
Working hard to ensure all had housing, food 
And the support and care they needed 
And so many giving generously to those groups and agencies. 
We have found new ways of working 
New ways of connecting with friends and family 
Here in Tauranga 
In Aotearoa 
And around the world. 
This little virus, 
This scrap of RNA
Has changed so much. 
What a great metaphor for what we here to celebrate today 
This baby born long ago 
In a far off place 
To unimportant parents 
Growing up in a very unremarkable village 
Has also changed so much 
Continues to change so much. 
We are here to celebrate God’s moment of intrusion in our world 
An intrusion of hope 
that has and continues to gently reshape our world.

Some questions

  • ·        How are you really this Christmas? Be honest

  • ·        What, if anything, are you grateful for this Christmas?

  • ·        Who are people you are concerned for this Christmas?

  • ·        What difference does Christmas make in all this?




that whole rejoicing thing
just seems a little bit
harder this year
amidst the weariness
and grief and such
but there it is
a baby born
a sign of hope
a moment of intrusion
can I let that joy in
for a bit
to gently reshape
my looking at life
can I be a comma
of joy to another
that we might rejoice


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