Celebrating Candlemas and more

The Season of Epiphany is a time devoted to celebrating and considering the ways Christ is revealed - becomes known and visible in and to the world. It begins with the coming of the Gentile magi and includes the story of his baptism. In some
calendars Epiphany finishes on February 2nd, or the nearest Sunday to that, when we celebrate Jesus being revealed during his Presentation of in the Temple, also called Candlemas. Most of our readings for this Sunday are for this day, including the reading from Luke. This is the traditional day candles to be used in the church for the next year were blessed. These candles were thought by some to have protective and healing powers and lit the way of the dying beyond this life. By them we are reminded of God’s presence and life giving activity in the darkest of times and are helped to see beyond things as they are.

This Sunday is also the 4th Sunday of the Epiphany. The reading from Mark’s gospel continues the action with Jesus returning from being tested in the wilderness, hearing John had been arrested and declaring “Now is the time! Here comes God’s kingdom! Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!”  (Mark 1:15, CEB). Jesus is revealed as having authority to liberate people from all that binds them/us. Mark gives permission for those listening to stop assuming that things must stay as they are. New possibilities emerge – and our way is lit into the reign of God. The nature of God is revealed in this Jesus.

What does all that mean for us? In this uncertain world what do we hope for was we gather each Sunday? As we look to Lent, what assumptions might we let go of and what new ways of seeing our life of faith are being revealed?


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