God on the Loose

This sermon can be listened to here
 Gate Pa – Year B  4th Sunday of Epiphany 2021
Psalm                             Psalm 24
First Reading              Malachi 3:1-5
Second Reading          Luke 2:22-40
Gospel                        Mark 1:21-28                            
What I want to say:
Explore what Epiphany, Candlemas, and Mark offer as we begin a new year
What I want to happen:
Wonder what blows our mind as we listen to these stories?
ð   In light of that
o   what are the possibilities as we start this new year?
o   what boundaries might we cross?
o   how might we join the work of liberation?

The Sermon

      1.     Introduction:

Since Sunday nearest Epiphany – January 6th
-         January 3
-         Remembered coming of Magi to visit Mary, Joseph and Jesus
been in the season of Epiphany
second half Christmas (two combined make 40 days)
finishes on February 2nd, remember presentation of Jesus in temple or Candlemas
-         Although some people carry it on to Lent
Season Epiphany is time to celebrate and consider the ways Light of Christ is revealed
-          becomes known and visible in and to the world.
o   Gentiles through magi
o   Made known as divine – baptism
o   Through call of first disciples
This Sunday we celebrate Jesus being revealed during his Presentation of in the Temple.
put the theme another way
-         Time to reflect on how God is revealed in person, life, ministry and teaching of Jesus
-         How that invites our amazement now

      2.     Feast of Presentation of our Lord in the Temple

Most of our readings for this Sunday are for Feast of Presentation of our Lord in the Temple
-         including the reading from Luke.
-         Offers picture of poor but very devout family
-         Doing more than required by law
-         World that Jesus grew up in
We have two prophets.
-         Simeon and Anna and their words
o   In this baby the hopes and dreams of Israel would be fulfilled
o   Glory/Shekinah of God restored
-         Simeon’s words forming canticle said by those us remember as part night prayer/evensong.
o   Nunc Dimitus

      3.     Candlemas

Also known as Candlemas,
This is the traditional day candles to be used in the church for the next year were blessed.
These candles were thought by some to have protective and healing powers and lit the way of the dying beyond this life.
All of which is an interesting thought in a world full of pandemic
These candles remind us both of God’s presence and life giving activity in the darkest of times
and they help to see beyond things as they are.

      4.     Marks Gospel

Also chose use Gospel from 4th Sunday Epiphany
In part because it is one gospels we focus on this year (other is John)
And this first chapter sets out themes rest gospel explores
-         Need hear and pay attention
-         Need hear them
Also want pick up themes of Epiphany and ask
What does this gospel reveal about the Light of Christ being revealed - becoming known and visible in and to the world.
Go further and ask
-         What deserves our amazement now?

      5.     The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, God’s Son,

Last week looked at some of how Marks starts telling the story of the beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, God’s Son
“After John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee announcing God’s good news, 15 saying, “Now is the time! Here comes God’s kingdom! Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!”” (Mark 1. CEB)
Invites first followers
Begins live out God’s kingdom
In sense rest Mark explores what God’s kingdom looks like in what Jesus teaches and does
That should blow our minds
Like last week few themes in how Mark carries on in the rest of this story

      6.     Liberating

Ways Jesus teaches is liberating.
-         Not like scribes care and precision recite traditions how law and prophets was to be understood
-         Jesus offers own insights and thought
-         You have heard it said, but I say to you
-         A new yoke
-         Which he teaches in parables
-         Inviting listeners to engage in the task of finding meaning
Liberating people like man trapped by unclean spirit
ð Caged
ð Stifled and restrained
ð Denied opportunity to thrive, to flourish
Jesus defeats powers that afflict and deprive
ð breaks cage and frees man into new life possibility
where do we see Jesus today confronting powers that deprive
that cage and limit
ð where do we see Jesus bringing freedom and chance flourish
this is God’s kingdom
does this blow our mind?

      7.     Upsetting the order of things

Crosses the accepted boundaries
Does unexpected
Upsets the order of things
What unclean spirit squawks at him
“couldn’t you just leave things as they were?”
God’s kingdom is intrusive
-         Breaks the old boundaries
-         Defeats all powers that seek to cage and stifle
-         Liberates and frees so that all can flourish
In Mark’s gospel God is on the loose
-         not meeting expectations
-         blowing people’s minds
Invited to pray for faith have our minds blown
-         See liberating work today
-         Join this God on the loose

      8.     Authority

One big themes in Marks gospel is authority
Where does Jesus get his authority?
ð to teach as he does
ð act in this way and to do what he does
where get authority to break the boundaries
-         and liberate so that all might thrive?
The question that those with something to lose is
-         Why can’t he just leave things as they are?
It will be what gets him killed in the end.

      9.     Conclusion

Epiphany is time to see God’s kingdom
-         Knowing the time is now
-         To know that things do not have to be as they always have been
-         God is still on the loose
-         Crossing the boundaries
That is little scary
-         Really freeing
ð Wonder what blows our mind as we listen to these stories?
ð In light of that
o   what are the possibilities as we start this new year?
o   what boundaries might we cross?
o   how might we join the work of liberation?


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