Being Swept up in the Ongoing Story

Happy church birthday and God’s peace to all who celebrate Pentecost this year, Jews and Christians. Pentecost is a major Jewish festival . It is thought to have begun as the harvest festival where the landed gave thanks for the first fruits and were reminded that this world and all life were God’s gifts, created through the Spirit who hovered over the waters of chaos and formed all that is. They were reminded in this festival that their land and harvest was God’s way of providing for the poor. And then it became the festival of God’s giving of the Law fifty days after the Hebrew people had been led from slavery to freedom. The law was the way of freedom so that creation might be renewed, and humanity restored.

The story of the Spirit is weaved through all this and continues with the prophets who reminded the rulers and people of God’s way of loving mercy and living justice.

That story continues with Archangels appearing the Mary and Jesus birth. It continues with the Spirit descending on Jesus at his baptism, affirming him as God’s beloved son. Today, Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit again and in a new way. Jesus’ followers, this diverse group of terrified men and women, were dramatically swept up by the Spirit, were reminded of all Jesus had taught in words and actions, and were given the vision, strength, courage and wisdom to continue Jesus’ ministry of living God’s generous and compassionate love for all. The church was born and our story began. Today we rejoice at our part in this ongoing story and that the Spirit continues to be our companion, encourager and guide, continuing to bring life to the waters of chaos in our lives and in our world. Today we are invited to pause and wonder how the Spirit of God might be sweeping us up into this story?


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