The Spirit of Love at Work

This sermon can be heard here.

Gate Pa – Pentecost Sunday 2021
Psalm:                         Psalm 104:24-34, 35  
First Reading:               Acts 2:1-21                             
Second Reading:        Rom 8:22-27                          
Gospel:                          John 15:26-27 16:4-15           

What I want to say:
To use St. Augustine of Hippo’s “On the Trinity” to explore how we experience the Spirit at working our world and in our lives today

What I want to happen:
-           How do we experience Spirit of love in our lives?
-           Where do we see Spirit of love at work in our world today?
-           What difference, if any, does that make?

The Sermon

       1.     Introduction:

As one of the commentators said this week
“And welcome to Pentecost. May the Holy Spirit stir up new life you.
No, that’s a little too tame.
May the Holy Spirit rage in your heart like a fire,
blow in your mind like hurricane gales,
and speak through you with the tongues of angels and mortals.[1]
Today we remember, reflect on, and celebrate ongoing work of the Spirit of God, Holy Spirit
-         In creation
-         In story of people of God
-         In formation and ongoing mission of the church
-         In our lives
-         And in our world today

       2.     Pentecost

Day we do this determined by Luke’s version of the story
Different from John
Occurs on Jewish Festival of Pentecost
Pentecost is first and foremost a Jewish Festival
Made some comments about that in my theme for the week
And our prayer for day is based on that festival and giving of Torah to Moses
Leads me to wonder how Spirit leads us to continue living in God’s presence,
-         Freeing slaves of today
-         Living God’s liberation today
-         Being God’s justice today.

       3.     Domestication

Trouble for us is that we are too familiar with this tory
-         who felt earth move listened to Acts reading
-         left feeling bewildered, amazed, astonished or perplexed?
-         guess is none of us
2000 years hearing
so familiar
too familiar
miss just how radical and disturbing this story is
make it safe
turn  it into birthday party for the church with balloons and candles
-         all of which I have done
-         and probably will do again

       4.     What is the same and what is new?

This is the same Spirit of God that hovered over the waters of chaos in Genesis 1 and brought forth order and life
This is the same Sprit that continues to animate all creation
This is the same Spirit that allowed Joseph to understand dreams
This is the same Spirit that called Moses from a burning bush and freed the Hebrew slaves from Egypt
This is the same Spirit that gives Torah
And through the Prophets reminded rulers and people of Torah’s requirement to live justly
The work of the Spirit is not a safe nor can it be domesticated
May the Holy Spirit rage in your heart like a fire,
blow in your mind like hurricane gales,
and speak through you with the tongues of angels and mortals.[2]

       5.     St. Augustine of Hippo

Maybe 9 years ago I talked about St. Augustine of Hippo
Different from Augustine of Canterbury – brought Roman Catholicism to Britain
St. Augustine of Hippo is one greatest theologians of Western church
One of most prolific writers
Coined idea of original sin
-         not about being born bad
-         But that humanity has forgotten that we are made in image of God
-         God who is love (as John says in his gospel)
-         As a result our sin is that we kill love
-         And give in to death
Trouble is – what does it mean for God to be love?
What does it mean for us to be made in image of love?
Augustine wrestled with this issue
Over decades wrote “on the Trinity” as his response
Important little book
Unlike most other many writings took him long time finish
-         Lays out a basis for a theory of psychology
-         It explores the purpose of the incarnation, passion, resurrection and ascension of Christ
-         Offers insights into nature of the Trinity
Finishes with description of Trinity as God the Lover, the Beloved, and the love between
In incarnation the second person, the Beloved comes as one of us
To teach us and show us in words ana actions who God the Lover is
Reminding us that we are made in the image of God the Lover
And as beloved
What it looks like to live in the Spirit of Love
These concepts are too hard to think about in the abstract
So Jesus offers us a life
A story
Something tangible not abstract
To remember
To reflect on
To contemplate
To allow to become our foundational story – as Bonnie talked about last week
And as we remember and reflect we realise who we truly are
Made in the image of God the Lover
Invited to live in the Spirit of Love.

      6.     The Paraclete

Which brings us to John’s gospel
And what Jesus teaches about the Spirit of Love
And what the Spirit of love does
Except Jesus uses the words Paraclete
really big word
lots and lots of ideas and meanings
so hard translate
what ever word you use limits its meanings
so lot of translations just go with paraclete
Jesus says that he was the first paraclete
And that Spirit will continue what he was doing
So some words to describe Jesus ministry with the disciples
-         Teacher
-         Guide
-         Companion
-         Sent them out and gathered them back together
-         Encouraged them
-         This last block of teaching set just before
o   betrayed by one inner circle, and denied by another
o   Deserted by rest of male disciples
o   Arrested, tried and crucified
§  All about to get very bleak
-         In that situation Jesus offers comfort and encouragement
All of these are held within word Paraclete
-         Companion
-         Guide
-         Sender and gatherer
-         Encourager
-         Comforter
-         Motivator
We are reminded of all Jesus taught in words and actions
We are reminded how God is love
We are made in the image of that Love
We are invited to live in Spirit of love in good times, the mundane times, and the hardest of times

       7.     Concluding questions

May the Holy Spirit rage in your heart like a fire,
blow in your mind like hurricane gales,
and speak through you with the tongues of angels and mortals.[3]
-         Where do we see Spirit of love at work in our world today?
-         What difference, if any, does that make?

[1] Rolf Jacobson, <>

[2] Rolf Jacobson, <>

[3] Rolf Jacobson, <>


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