What is the Point?
This sermon can be listened to here
Gate Pa – Year B 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
Psalm- Psalm 30
First Reading- 2 Kings
Second Reading- 1 Cor
What I want to say:
I want to use Mark 1:40-45
to explore some ideas around the point of the healing stories in Mark, using
David Loses’ “4 words about Jesus”.
What do these teach me/us
about God and the divine presence?
What might they say about
the Kingdom of God?
How might I live this?
What I want to happen:
How does all this help us be
open to invitation in Lent to
The Sermon
1. Introduction:
If you were asked to describe Jesus
using 4 words or phrases – what would they be?
Invite you
to go beyond the easy standard words like saviour
Not easy
Gospels teach us that in Jesus we meet
ð Next question is – what do these words say
about God
How do we
experience this God?
2. 4 Words in Mark 1
David Lose – one of commentators read
offers these words from this story
Want to use these to look at today’s
gospel reading
3. Touch
Saw last week how urgent Mark’s telling of the
story is
Only 40 verses in story and we have had
John the
Baptiser preaching and baptising,
baptised and tested in the wilderness,
® Jesus preaching “Now is the time! Here comes God’s
and calling
his first followers,
Lives that
in casting out a demon on the Sabbath in the meeting place (synagogue) in
Peter’s mother-in-law
Heals lots
of others who come once Sabbath over
Goes out
to pray in wilderness
When found
says has to leave Capernaum and preach across Galilee
Also saw Jesus take Peter’s mother in law by
the hand
Heals her face to face
Kanohi ki
te kanohi
Its personal
Its intimate
Life giving
So the first word – touch
Many of you will know power of touch and the
pain of losing that opportunity to touch and be touched
This man has skin disease
Not Hansens
disease of today
Enough to
have him declared unclean
Laws Leviticus
exclude him from whanau and community
into isolation away from human contact
Living death
So in desperation he breaks those laws
Jesus responds by touching him
Even before he is healed Jesus touches him.
That is deeply healing in itself
God meets us in deeply intimate and personal ways
4. Compassion
Except the word translated as compassion can
also mean anger
And was in today’s translation
“Incensed,[a] Jesus reached out his hand, touched him,”
Incensed at
breaking the rules and coming to Jesus?
o Rules intended to keep the community safe
Rules that
declare him unclean and isolate him
o Depriving him of human community and touch
How those
rules are applied
at powers that hold creation captive
o Illness
o Broken community
o Poverty and injustice
However we translate the Greek
Jesus shows compassion and touches the man
Compassion lies at the heart of this story
Compassion lies at the heart of God
Where do we meet God’s compassion
5. Willing
The man challenges Jesus
“If you want, if you are willing, you
can make me clean.”
Jesus responds
“I am willing, be clean!”
Easy to say that God is always willing
And yet Jesus did not heal all people of
Not heal
all people of Galilee
Just some
In the end
there will be too many
All those who were healed got sick and died
Today - many long to be healed of illness
And are not
Does that mean that Jesus was only willing
What is it Jesus was willing to do?
There are no easy answers to that
Jesus was willing to meet leper in his need
In his case he did touch him
Heal him
him to his whanau and community
All I can say is that God is willing to meet
us in our need
6. Lonely
As I have said the physical healing is never
the point
The point is the effect of the healings
of family and community
Jesus doesn’t say – “Be healed”
He says “Be clean”
restored to people of God
Commands “Don’t say anything to anyone.
Instead, go and show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifice for your
cleansing that Moses commanded. This will be a testimony to them.”
Constant theme in Mark is this “Messianic
telling people and demons to not speak about him
Maybe that was because he knew that once word
got out his ability to do what he came to do would be very limited
Maybe because we can only understand what
Jesus was about when we come to the cross
That is how Mark tells the story
And we have that shadow here
Man does not go to the priests
starts talking freely about what Jesus did
because of Jesus’ touch he is once again able
to freely go into towns and speak
because of that touch, and the man speaking
cannot go into towns
o They are looking out for him
Instead he
lives in the wilderness
o Alone
o With his followers
Places are
The touch was costly
Love is costly
It did not stop Jesus from touching him and
restoring him
That touch would lead to the cross
God is faithful and compassionate none the
7. What’s the point?
Point of this story is not the healing
One of first stories in Mark
Which set out what rest gospel enlarges on
“Now is the time. God’s kingdom has come. Let
that blow your mind. Trust this good news.” (Mark 1:15)
God’s kingdom reflects God’s nature
Seen in the teaching and ministry of Jesus
God meets us in deeply intimate and personal
Meets us in our deepest need
Meets us out of life giving compassion
No matter what
One commentators said
“These healings, it is very clear, are signs
of what God's reign means for human beings -- a restoration to a condition of
blessedness or thriving or flourishing. Humankind will no longer be oppressed
by the powers of evil. We have seen Jesus' intense interactions with the demons
who know him. We have also heard Jesus insist that it is his calling to destroy
these powers hostile to God's reign even as he must go about announcing it so
that all may have the opportunity to repent and trust God” (Sarah Henrich, https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/sixth-sunday-after-epiphany-2/commentary-on-mark-140-45)
8. Conclusion
we stand on verge of Lent
7 weeks prayer and fasting
7 weeks to reflect on who is God for
as we read Gospels
invited to join God in creating a
world where all can flourish
what do we
need to flourish
how can we
provide a place for people to flourish
how might
we join this work of creating a world where all can flourish