Te Pouhere and Ngati Ranginui

Yesterday we celebrated Te Pouhere Sunday, a week late. We again used lot of Te Reo Maori, including me leading He Tikanga Whakapono. For my kauwhau I briefly described the nature of our three Tikanga constitution, and then gave a brief (it is all relative) summary of the history of Te Haahi Mihinare and how we came to this point, including the role of our church in the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. To be honest it was a tad long, but people seemed to appreciate it. It felt like another good day.

This week is the signing of the Deed of Settlement between Ngati Ranginui. I joined a small number of Ngati Ranginui and Pakeha supporters in gathering for prayer this morning at Te Ranga, the site of the battle that saw over 150 Maori butchered in a little of 15 minutes, and then led to the massive confiscations, which in turn led to the treaty claim. It was good to be there, and I look forward to being there again on Thursday for the Treaty settlement signing.

Tomorrow I am off to Gisborne for our clergy conference, this time held with Te Tai Rawhiti clergy. I am looking forward to being with some good friends.


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