Hearing a call in the here and now

Gate Pa – Easter 3 2013


First Reading:              Acts 9:1-6, (7-20)
Psalm:             30       
Epistle:            Rev 5:11-14    
Gospel:            John 21:1-19    

What I want to say:

Jesus physical resurrection is a sure sign that God is in the business of redeeming this world, and is not just interested in what happens later
that means we have to be interested in God’s work of redeeming, recreating, resurrecting this world, bringing it from death to life
God is compassionate, and invites us as far as we are able to go, for now, but keeps on inviting us to go further

What I want to happen:

people to feel encouraged and hopeful
people to think about/pray about how they see this death thing and how they look for or don’t look for God’s work of redeeming, recreating, resurrecting this world, bringing it from death to life
people to remember and gain hope in God who is compassionate, and invites us as far as we are able to go, for now, but keeps on inviting us to go further

The Sermon

          1.     Introduction:

Jan funeral
            fellow Franciscan
            slightly crazy
            seen in funeral with ship casket person
            someone who lived out Franciscan way well
                        especially around simplicity and poverty
                                    have to admit made me feel little inadequate in light of that.
            during funeral deacon leading service said couple times    
            body gone, spirit lives on
I understand said to provide comfort and hope
wondered what story resurrection Christ – centre this season around – says to that?
that’s what want focus on this morning.

          2.     Greek and Hebrew world views

Physical resurrection clearly important both to the Gospel writers and Paul
            – all whom make big thing of it
one reasons for that is difference between Greek and Hebrew world and attitudes to physical and spiritual realities.
            Hebrew – all one, intertwined
                                    could not differentiate
                                    one reasons why there was not difference between sacred and secular
                                    all part of God’s creation
            Greek – very different view
                                    clear distinction between physical and spiritual reality
                                                usually seen as Physical bad, spirit good
                                    – shaped so much Christian thinking
                                                a lot Christian spirituality is born out of attitude
                                    shapes a lot of our thinking today
                                    we see it at work in those words comfort offered at funeral
question then is what is problem with this world view?
why did gospel writers work at presenting understanding of resurrection that did not fit with this world view?
why did Paul, great evangelist to Greek speaking Gentiles work so hard to counter this world view?
why am I even talking about it when it is so prevalent today?

           3.     I can’t wait to go to heaven

common consequence separation physical and spiritual world is that our focus becomes life here after
it becomes all about whether or not going to heaven
that’s all
-          go to heaven – if saved
-          all go to heaven
leads to attitude of not need to worry about this world
just step on way
not need pay any attention to or worry about this world and all problems poverty, hunger, disease, injustice
as long as have eternal life in spiritual world then ignore it all.
Paul and John – both whom wrote “Greek” audiences – not want bar of attitude
Late last year heard Paul’s passionate defence belief in physical resurrection
            – seemed like nonsense to Greek hearers
John, constant themes we meet is that eternal life starts now,
            in nitty gritty of everyday life,
            not sweet by and by,
            resurrection stories play important role in establishing that.

          4.     Resurrection story 3 in John

explore gospel story
Peter seems given up – returned home
                                    normal life
            wonder how much racked by guilt over denial Christ three times despite pledge
            fact he like others stayed well away crucifixion – in case they ended up on cross too
There is Jesus – only not really recognise him
            maybe a buyer for their fish
takes a while for penny drop
when does
            response is at first old Peter
story when re-enacted this lake karapiro?
notice what Jesus does
            as he did in another story where gave thanks for bread and fish
                        fed 5000 men and unknown number of others
            physically present Jesus feeds them
                        he meets their physical needs
            doesn’t point them to life after death
            points them to life now
            and included their catch, their resources in it.

          5.     Peter

Peter here is strong, in control
            But when Jesus begins to talk to him he hesitates
a lot discussion about Greek John uses here
first two times Jesus asks if Peter loves him – John uses agape – thought be total love
and Peter’s response is phileos – interpreted as freindship
is that significant?
some yes, some no.
I suggest it is
Pre crucifixion Peter was bold and rash and impulsive
still is in some ways
faced with this question
last time swore undying commitment, loyalty and love he failed
isn’t loyalty question
implied in this is what has already been acted out
Jesus in his actions and in question is saying I love you (agape) do you love me?
in that is forgiveness
            I know you denied me
            deserted me
            hid in locked room
            but still I love you
what do you say Peter
do you love me still?
Peter cannot go that far
So third time Jesus uses phileos.
            which is as far as Peter (and to be honest most of us) can go
and then promises that this will change
strong independent Peter will one day give all that away and die on his own cross in Rome
One day Peter will respond with agape
I find that a really hopeful story
            not that want die on cross
but that despite my feeble responses to Jesus invitation
            responses that led me to feel slightly intimidated by my friend Jan who seemed so much more Franciscan than me
despite that, Jesus continues to invite me,
            and meets me exactly where I am
            but will lead me on into that agape love
            love I am still unable to love with yet.

          6.     The here and now

after each question Jesus tells Peter to feed his lambs/sheep
just as he had fed them
easy to read this as spiritual feeding (as disciples seem to do later in Acts)
this is not just spiritual feeding (which Greek reading might give)
this is real feeding
Jesus has just fed them with bread and fish
clear that what he means is
            if you are to be the leader of this group
            feed them, look after them, and make sure they have all they need to live
            just as I have done with you.
which I think means I should have you around for dinner every night.

          7.     Conclusion

today’s gospel reading offers me both and invitation and hope
invitation is to see the physical resurrection is important
            no matter how hard I struggle with it as a concept
it is important because it declares Gods concern and promise is for here and now not just for sweet by and by
is a sure sign that God is in the business of redeeming this world, and is not just interested in what happens later
God is concerned about this world and all problems
            problems poverty, hunger, disease, injustice
that means we have to be interested in God’s work of redeeming, recreating, resurrecting this world,
            bringing it from death to life
got to admit that feels very very daunting
lots times feel like I don’t love God enough
            lots times I do not pay attention to God’s redeeming work
too busy trying to do things under my nose in this parish and in my life
times when people like friend Jan make feel inadequate
live out this gospel life so much better than me
In today’s reading I am offered hope
Jesus met Peter where Peter was
in all his grief, doubt, hesitation.
in this story Jesus meets me in all my grief at my failings, all my doubt, all my hesitation
in this story Jesus meets us in our grief at all our failings, all our doubts, all our hesitations
this story declares that God is compassionate,
            and invites us as far as we are able to go, for now, but keeps on inviting us to go further
I wonder how you respond to any of this
do we look for life beyond grave, or look now for eternal life in God’s work of redeeming, recreating, resurrecting this world, bringing it from death to life?
Where is risen Jesus in all this, and what are we being invited to as we walk beyond Easter and live resurrected lives?


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