Law change fulfils lifelong dream for Tauranga man | Bay of Plenty Times

Last night New Zealand became the 13th country in the world to allow gay and lesbian people to marry. It was an historic night. God's work of bringing life and goodness to all people was done. Just in case anyone is confused as to where I stand  on this issue I offer you this newspaper article. This is the third time I have been asked for my opinion on this issue by the newspapers.

Last week our Diocesan website published an article entitled Finding true essence of marriage by Rex Ahdar. To be honest I found this to be a poorly argued piece from someone who although qualified in law was really masquerading as competent to argue the line he was taking, which was much more about history, sociology, and religious studies. I am glad to see a response has now been posted. But what this original opinion article did force me to do was think more about why I thought Ahdar's piece was so floored. And that came through in my interview.

The work for us now as a church is to do a lot more work on what we understand Christian Marriage to be, so that we can determine our response to the decision of our state. I hope we are as bold and brave as our parliamentarians, and that we are given much better resources to deal with it that Ahdar's inflammatory piece.


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