Celebrating a Constitution! Really?

 Gate Pa – Te Pouhere Sunday 2013


Hebrew Scripture:      Isa 42:10-20  
Epistle:                        2 Corinthians 5:14-19
Gospel:                        Luke 6:46-49

What I want to say:
explore why we would want to celebrate a constitution
examine the roots of Te Pouhere
            early church – Paul
            Te Tiriti o Waitangi
explain some of my experience of being three Tikanga

What I want to happen:
People to be better informed about Te Pouhere and think about how we might live it out.
 The Sermon

          1.      Introduction:

today mark signing both our church constitutions
      first signed June 1857
      second May 1992

[why would we want to celebrate Te Pouhere? (Ask)
      a.  radical nature both constitutions
                  led the world
                  both have got us into trouble
      b. honours who we are – not all European descent
                  English not first language of our church
                  other ways of seeing the world than ours
                  other ways reading biblical text from ours

      c. honour history- first church – Te Haahi Mihinare – Maori church]

          2.      Roots – Te Tiriti o Waitangi:

last year talked about history church which led to this new constitution
this time look at central place of Treaty Waitangi in new constitution
1984 Te Pihopatanga asked for Commission looked at place of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in life our church
      reported in 1986
-          Te Kaupapa Tikanga Rua – Bi-Cultural Partnership
-          does have role church
-                bicultural partnership
why on earth something signed 1840 have any relevance to us as church today?
first – ours
            Sir James Henare reminded Bishop Paul Reeves in commemorations 1981
“You were largely responsible for the signing of the Treaty. It is up to you to make it work.”
what mean by that
            Missionaries saw influx settlers about come our way
            greatly worried about what that would mean for Maori
worked with others England persuade British Govt offer treaty as way forward
called meeting Waitangi
Henry and Edward translated text Treaty – using biblical Maori
explained it – encouraged signing of it
after signed –
Colenso made copies
missionaries responsible taking around much country for others sign
without us, without Anglican church, highly unlikely there would have been a treaty
many ways it was our creation
Maori look to us to make it work

A. more than contract
covenant between them and Crown
many those signed
well taught by missionaries
covenant sacred word
therefore sacred agreement
cannot be easily put to one side
covenant set out how two people live in this land.

B. covenant between two sovereign nations
            Declarations of the Confederation of United Tribes – 1835
            Recognised 1836

C. designed control influx of settlers coming this way.
because declaration of independance British Govt had no authority over Europeans settled in NZ
do what liked
already great deal concern about activities New Zealand company
Treaty designed way bringing those settlers and settlers to come under British rule of law.
all about terms and conditions by which Europeans could come here
how can we structure this so has least negative impact on Maori
hope was that by regulating relationships between Maori and settlers both could benefit
see this as purpose in conversation occurred at Waitangi on 5th Feb
Missionaries - Treaty seen as a way of:
            giving British Government authority over Europeans came NZ
                        actions and activities governed by British Law
            Maori authority over their land and all things Maori – guaranteed
                        protected by British Govt
                        rights and privileges - protected
because of Treaty we are welcome here
under terms of treaty
without Treaty we are simply overstayers in someone else’s country
so if Maori say to me – should go home
            I can say, I am home.
            Through Treaty welcomed me in 1840,
                        said I could call this place home
to which say – then honour the covenant
why those part Commission said
treaty has place
structures relationship
we special responsibility as Anglicans ensure treaty, covenant is honoured
if we are to do that , need start with own house.

          3.      Paul.

during the heated debate – a lot scripture cited
Paul used a lot
Galatians – neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free etc…
      used mean all be one
some of us suggested issue not whether we are one
      but how
      honouring those different from us (the majority)
interesting thing about Paul writing church struggling with same questions
Jewish Christians – answer simple – all become Jews
Paul had some pretty big fights about this
The way forward was not all to be same
but for all to see other as beloved of Christ
treat them as such
whether Jew Gentile, slave or free, male or female
understand no-one more important than any other
nor any culture or language more right with God – any other
I think he seems got what Pentecost was about more any other leaders
How then build church does that
recognises and honours all cultures and languages
allows Gospel speak to critiques each cultures?
how build our house foundation rock?
our constitution is our answer to that
is it perfect?
do we live it out well?
God is at work in it – leading us to discover how to be church
today we celebrate Te Pouhere
hear invitation to seek to live it out more fully
work in partnership with Tikanga Maori brothers and sisters
have grace learn about the love God through them
seeke to serve them
honour and love them
support them in their ministry among Maori in Tauranga Moana.


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